Day 12

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It's past lunch now and I haven't seen Jo all day. It's pretty strange for her, I mean she always talks about how she doesn't like sitting in the hotel room, she likes to be out and around the pool or beach.

Maybe she's gone out with her mum for a while.

Why am I so bothered where she is? It's crazy that it's been less than two weeks and a girl has this affect on me.

This had never happened before. Ever.

I decided to go up to reception and FaceTime James again seen as I promised I'd keep him in the loop with how it's going.

'Hey hey hey' James answered the call almost straight away.

'Hiii' another voice spoke, Kirstie.

I smiled at the camera before James spoke again.

'So.. how's the holiday' he asked, although I knew what he was really asking.

'Good, really good' I couldn't help but smile as I spoke.

'But that's the problem' I continued, not so smiley. I knew James understood, however Kirstie sat up a, as looking confused.

'Spill' she spoke into the camera.

'James told you about this girl, Jo? Right?' I asked and Kirstie nodded signalling for me to continue.

'Well the last two weeks have been so good, amazing. And I just can't bring myself to accept the reality of it all. I mean I don't get much time to see my family these days, and then having to spilt that time with her is just impossible. She's like three hours away from home and I just don't see it working' I sighed and the pair of them looked at me with sympathy.


I walked into the reception after spending the morning in town with mum, to see that head of curls sat on the couch, talking to his phone. I'm guessing he was face timing somebody.

I walked over to join him, but as I got closer, I heard him talking.. about, us? I think?

'I mean I don't get much time to see my family these days, and then having to spilt that time with her is just impossible. She's like three hours away from home and I just don't see it working' he sighed.

I decided now was the time to sit down, before I heard something he didn't want me to.

'Hey' I said laughing as id made Brad jump out of his skin.

'Hey' he replied before turning back to his phone.

'This is James and his girlfriend Kirstie' he said pointing into the camera and I gave an awkward wave.

'This is Jo' he spoke to the camera.

'James is in the band with me, he's cool I guess' Brad laughed causing James to stick his finger up at the camera.

I don't know why I'd suddenly become so shy, I'm normally a lot more confident. But for some reason I wanted Brad's friends to like me.

'So Jo, I've heard you and Brad have become quite good friends' James smirked into the camera causing my cheeks to heat up.

'Nope, Brad just follows be round all day really' I reply smirking. Brads turn to blush.

'Good sense of humour, she's a keeper Brad' Kirstie spoke smiling as if she genuinely meant it.

'Yeah I know' Brad smiled before looking down at his lap. I suppose it reminded him that this isn't forever.

'So Jo, are you going to come and visit us down south so we can all meet you' Kirstie asked.

'Erm yeah I guess, who's 'all' of you' I laughed although I felt pretty nervous.

'Me, the boys, Luisa, Anastasia, Laura' Kirstie spoke. I'm guessing the girls are the other boys girlfriends.

'James has told everybody about you, and Connor' she continued.

'We'll see' I smiled into the camera, obviously I'd love to meet everybody but at the same time, if this is it for me and Brad, I doubt it's going to happen.


I glanced over at Brad who was staring down at his wrist, his tattoo.

'I really like it' I spoke pointing at the tattoo.

'It suits you'

'Yeah, I love it' he looked up and smiled at me.

We hadn't spoken much this afternoon, we'd just enjoyed each other's company, lay on the sun bed on the beach.  This is definitely my favourite place in the entire of Cyprus.

For the first time in a long time, I felt completely safe.

'You know, I could of easily dodged you the first day, when I went to get the ball. But because I'm such a wimp it was the only way I could bring myself to talk to you' Brad laughed causing me to laugh as well.

'Well, I would of normally been a right bitch if somebody barged into me like that, it's a good job I wasn't wasn't it' we both continued to laugh, staring out at the sea.

'Tomorrow night' Brad spoke causing me to sit up properly and look at him.

'I'm taking you out. Properly out, not to some ice cream stall or all inclusive bar. A proper restaurant. A date' I opened my mouth to reply before he cut me off. His eyes still locked on mine

'No ifs no buts. It's our last night and we're making it memorable' my face changed into a smile, or should I say grin. Causing Brad to mirror my actions.

'So it's settled then' Brad spoke putting his arm back around my shoulder as I cuddled back into his chest.

Kinda rubbish but there's only two more chapters left before the sequel which will be packed with 100000 times more drama don't worry.

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