A New Year

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(Will's P.O.V)
William McKinley High School! The place where everything began for me. I remember being a high schooler and walking these halls. I was a member of McKinley's glee club, The New Directions. Back then, the New Directions was a group of talented, unique kids who dreamed of making it big someday. I was one of those dreamers. I wanted to be a Broadway star but that never happened. Now I'm a Spanish Teacher at my old high school. For most that would be considered as rock bottom but for me it's different. I enjoy spending time with these kids. I enjoy helping them find themselves and help them strive to reach their goals. I'm also very proud to be able to see my four kids go to my old high school. I know, I know, four kids. I mean you're probably thinking "He must love kids so much if he has four kids and spends every day as a teacher at a high school." I truly loves kids but not in the creepy pedophile way as in a fatherly way. I adopted two of my children and the other two are mine. I adopted my oldest son, Noah, who was only a couple years old when I adopted him and I adopted my second youngest daughter, Santana, who is a couple months younger than Noah. Noah is mixed while Santana is Hispanic. My other two kids are Rachel, who is the youngest, and Blaine, who is the seconded oldest. I had them with the guidance counselor who is also my wife. I know you are probably now thinking "This guy is a train wreck." Well you would be absolutely right. I am a mess and I am proud. Anyways, I was on my way to my Spanish classroom when Sue Sylvester, the school's cheerleading coach, stopped me. Me and her don't get along. "Hello, William." Sue exclaimed. "Good Morning, Sue." I said. "Listen Curly, I need to talk to you about something very important." Sue told me. "What is it?" I asked her. "I understand that your children are roaming the halls this year. Is that correct?" She asked. "Um.. yes." I told her. "Well let's just be frank, Spongehair Squarechin." Sue said. "I hope that I don't come in contact with these kids because any child of yours, is destined to be a failed Broadway star turned high school teacher and I don't want to be suffocated by the stench of failure that will meander these hallways." Sue exclaimed. "Well Sue, I won't make any promises." I told her. Sue glared at me as I walked into my classroom where I saw my youngest daughter, Rachel, sitting at one of the desks. She smiled when she saw me. "Hey sweetie." I told her. "Aren't you suppose to be in your first class?" I asked her. "I am but I feel better in your classroom." She said. I noticed that her eyes were puffy, like she had been crying. "Are you alright?" I asked her. She nodded but I could tell that she was lying. "Who did this?" I asked her. "Um.. a cheerleader." She told me, holding back her tears. I felt anger and hatred well inside me. "I'll be back." I told her. I ran out of the classroom and headed straight to Sue's office.

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