The Homecoming Game

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Finn's POV

"The weirdest thing happened to me yesterday." I said to Sam. "What?" He asked me. "That girl, Rachel, asked me to join the Glee Club." I told him. "Tell me you said no!" Sam exclaimed. "Of course, I did." I said, defensively. "But does it really matter if we join the Glee Club or not?" He looked at me, blankly. "Of course it matters." He exclaimed. "I mean you're basically destined to be a loser for the rest of your life if you join Glee Club." I gave him a confused look. "It's only a high school club, bro." I told him. "Well call it what you want but it's still lame." He said, putting his jersey on. "I mean what's up with you and Quinn? Why is it your absolute mission to embarrass the Glee Club and make them want to quit?" I asked him. "I don't know." He said, sitting on the bench, tying his football cleats. "I guess I'm just doing it for mom." He looked at the ground. "Well, you don't have to." I told him, putting my hand on his shoulder. "It's not that easy!" He yelled, pulling my hand off of his shoulder. "I've spent my entire life being the loser of the family and I'm not about to be one at school either." He stormed off. I watched him as he walked out of the locker room.


(On the football field)

"Go team! Go team! Who do we mean? We'll say it loud because we're proud!" The cheerleaders cheered. "T-I-T-A-N-S! Titans pride! Titans pride! We're steppin' up, so step aside! We're the best; We're here to win! Titans power's here again! Woooo go team!" They cheered.

We ran into the field. The Titans were down 12 points.

  "Ok team." I said, as we huddled together. "Watch for #10. He's fast and strong. Sam, you try to stay open and run to the end zone, got it?" Sam nodded. "Alright, break!" I said, as all of us got into our positions on the field.

  "Down!" I yelled. "Set!.....Hike!" Everyone was running around on the field. I saw Sam at the end zone and I threw it to him. He caught it. Touchdown!

"Yes!" I said. The score was now 77-71. The crowd cheered.

The kicker was at the 15- yard line and was ready to kick. The whistle blew and he kicked it in the air. It sailed in the goalpost. 1 point! The crowd cheered. That now leaves the score at 72-77.

The ball was kicked to the opposite team and they caught it. 1 minute left in the game. "Block number 11!" I told Puck. He stood in front of him. The other player who caught the ball was running down the field. Then suddenly he was tackled at the 30 yard line.


We cheered as we ran into the locker room. We won! I hugged Sam and Puck. "We actually won!" Puck yelled. "We should go out and celebrate!" I looked at him. "I can't Puck. I have a Spanish test tomorrow and I need to study." He looked at me. "Come on, just a couple drinks?" He asked me. "I can't. Really I would love to but I can't." I exclaimed, walking to my locker. "Sorry." He shrugged and went with the rest of the guys into the hallway. I took off my football gear and uniform and took a shower.

I was singing in the shower like I always do when I thought I heard someone come into the locker room.
"Hello?!" I called. No one answered. "Anyone there?" Still no one answered. I shrugged while I continued to take a shower.

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