Mr Mysterious

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I lifted my head off of my desk.

"Mr Guilbert, would you like to answer this equation for us" He pointed at a section of the board that i didn't understand at all. Fuck algebra.

"No" I slammed my head back on my desk and closed my eyes

"Johnnie Guilbert, that is the last straw, go to the pri-"

I interrupted him, "Yeah, yeah, go to the principle office" I opened my eyes and lifted my head off of my desk once more. I stood up and slung my bag over my shoulder. As I began to walk out of the class I heard a chuckle from behind me, It turned into and insane sounding laugh as I turned around.

Someone in the back row of class was practically rolling on the floor laughing, I didn't know who it was,  I didn't even know if he went to our school, I had never seen him before.

He had blonde-ish hair, wore a beanie, womens skinny jeans, a tie-dye top and bracelets covered his arms. He was kind of cute, but also seemed kind of insane.

"Mr Hall, since you find that so funny, do you want to answer the question."My thoughts where interrupted by the teachers voice.

"No" He simply said between chuckles as he grabbed his pencil case off of his desk and skipped right past me out of the door.

I chased after him, wondering what exactly had just happened.

"Hey, you" I stopped in front of him and had to catch my breath, due to how incredibly unfit I was.

"What... was ... That" I said between gasps, "Why would you do... do that"

His smile stretched, "I did that for the same reason you would Johnnie, I was bored"

He turned around and continued to skip past the principles office.

"Aren't we supposed to go to the principle" I yelled.

he stopped and turned around, rolling his eyes. "Why would we go to the principles office when we could go anywhere we want, anywhere in the world"

I frowned and looked to the ground, I kinda wanted to talk to him more.

"Wanna come" My eyes widened as I looked back up to face him.

I know that I should have said no, I mean, to go to some unknown location with somebody you only found out existed five minutes prior is obviously a bad idea. He seemed pretty insane and probably could have killed me and not felt even the tiniest bit of empathy, but for some reason all I could do was say yes. It was the only response I could physically say. He was incredibly intriguing.

I reluctantly nodded, all of the scenarios of what could happen running through my head, I wasn't too mad about a couple of them.

I slowly walked up to him.

He pulled out a set of keys from his pocket, "I can drive us"

Again, I probably should have realized that this was a bad idea at this point, but again, all I could do was say yes, and possibly learn more about him.

I nodded again and followed him to a nearby parked car. He opened the front door.

"After you" he gestured to the car seat.

I jumped into the car and he closed the door behind me. I slowly grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed '9-1-1', just as a safety precaution, as he sat down in the drivers seat and started the car.

"So today was pretty weird" I said trying to start some sort of conversation after several minutes of silence.

"Really, how" He looked directly at me, obviously trying to keep a straight face

"Well, this total stranger, who's name I don't even know yet, offered to drive me to an unknown location"

The edged of his lips were pulled upwards into a smile. "and how is that weird"

"I said yes"

He sighed, "I'm Kyle David Hall"

"I'm Johnnie Guilbert"

"I knew that"

Well that's not creepy at all

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