Ch 11: "Keith?"

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 With Alex back on our side, and me regaining our powers, the galra soldiers were no match for us. But I was facing a challenge... they whole Galra empire was surrounding the castle. Were going to have to abandon ship... We freed Hunk, Lance, and Pidge... there was no sign of Keith. I began to panic. My hands burned and stung my flesh. "Novaia, do you have any Idea where Keith is?" Shiro asked me. I shook my head, still startled and afraid for the team. "Go find him, I trust you can handle any soldiers on your own. Otherwise you can teleport. We'll get Saige and Coran." He said. I nodded. The only other place that people could be kept is in cryogenic tubes. Otherwise, most other doors are lockable. "We will meet you at the Lions in ten, whether you have Keith or not. We have to keep the others safe." He said. I turned and ran down the halls.

I pictured Keith in my mind, i'll just try teleporting to him. I wonder if it works that way. I closed my eyes and stumbled onto the floor in a dark part of the castle. I looked up, my eyes seem to be radiating. Or my hands, they both created light now. I looked in front of me, a cryo tube like I thought... I placed my hand on the scanner and the door hissed open and departicalized. Keith collapsed out of the chamber and I had a hard time keeping him up. He slowly regained consciousness. I smiled and laughed a little relieved laugh. I hugged him tight and pressed my lips against his. Then... He panicked, and pushed me away. I grabbed his wrists and looked at him questioningly. He must not recognise me. "Keith... It's me, Novaia. I just, went through some changes-"

"Excuse me! Who are you..." He said a bit freaked out.

"Novaia!" I shouted agitated.

"Let me go? What are those on your wrist?" He said and ripped his hands away from mine. He doesn't remember me... Damn you Xander.

"There she is!" Some guards shouted as they ran towards us. I turned towards them and my hands began to glow. I lifted my hand and shot at the guards. They collapsed to the floor and Keith stared in confusion, his jaw dropped.

"I'm on your side idiot..." I said. I was angry and agitated because nothing has been going right. I grabbed Keith's hand and teleported to the bays. He still looked startled, I dragged him inside of the lion and looked at him. "Well, you gonna fly us out of here or what." I asked him stubbornly. He gave me a glare and sat in the pilot chair. The lion took off fast knocking me to the floor. "I deserved that..." I mumbled under my breath.

"I'll agree with you on that." Keith said. Shiro appeared on the screen followed by the other paladins and Saige and Coran. Saige looked like she was pouting. Coran looked sad.

"Nice to have you back Keith." Shiro said over the monitor. Keith nodded and turned to see me getting back up, then back at the screen.

'Yeah, good to be back... I guess... What happened? Are you guys joking around with me. Who is the girl?" He asked the crew. I want to knock his memories right back into his head right about now...

"The girl? That's how you refer to your girlfriend dude?" Lance retorted. Keith was caught off guard. "That 'Girl' you made fall in love with you. You two have been through alot together. 1. You saved her life from a Galra prison ship. 2. The castle was overtaken by the Galra and she whooped some Galra butt to save us. 3. Zarkon is her father and Allura is her half sister 4. She saved Earth from a Galra attack. 5. You and her were both captured by a government facility. 6. She just saved your butt again, and you call her 'The Girl?!'..." Lance started going off. Keith listened and then cut in at the end.

"I can tell you all, I would never date Zarkons daughter. So I don't know what happened but I don't think those were the specifics." Keith shouted at Lance. My heart sunk... I felt terrible. I walked to the back of the Lion and sat down. I buried my face in my knees.

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