First kiss

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Camila POV

It's been two years since fifth harmony joined together as a group and I've been loving every second of it. Ever since I met my four best friends I had an instant connection with them all, especially Lauren. Me and Lauren were as close as two people could be. She knew everything about me and I knew everything about her. She's my best friend, but I wanted more. It took me a while to understand my fondness of Lauren was more of a crush and I hoped it would blow over as some confusion. But it hadn't. She'd never like me anyway.

"Camz!" Lauren yelled, shaking me from my thoughts as she scrambled into my bunk. "Wake up we're going to see The 1975 tonight!"

The excitement across Lauren's face made my heart melt, she was like a child on Christmas. I grunted loudly when she jumped onto my stomach unexpectedly and laid her head on my chest, wrapping her arms around my torso. She finally rested her body on top of mine and her legs fitted between mine aswell.

"I haven't slept all night." Lauren said in mid yawn as she snuggled into my body.

"What time is it?" I mumble tiredly, draping my arm over Lauren's lower back and resting my eyes shut.

"Nearly 7am." Lauren spoke quietly with an adorable smile plastered across her lips.

"We have 12 hours, let me sleep." I groaned, but I couldn't suppress the grin on my own face from Lauren's cute excitement.

Lauren nodded as she nuzzled her face into my chest and snaked her right hand to mine, then interlocked our fingers together. I smiled to myself as I caressed the side of Lauren's index finger, whilst Lauren squeezed my hand lightly signalling that she was enjoying my touch. This was common, we'd always cuddle like this and I loved it.


"Lauren Michelle Jauregui! If you don't let me do your make-up, I will tie you down and force this foundation on you!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, chasing Lauren through the kitchen and achieving weird glares from Ally, Normani and Dinah.

"No! It's a concert, not a party!" Lauren replied, dashing into the back living room of the tour bus as I shoved her onto the sofa, clenching my make-up bag.

"I'm doing your make-up." I demanded and straddled Lauren's lap as she sighed, showing her surrender.

I smiled in content as I began doing the basics of Lauren's make-up by taking out my brush and dipping it in different powders, then evening it out over her face. Lauren squished her eyes shut as she scrunched her nose up when it ran across the bridge of her nose. How adorable. I then started to do her eyeshadow which I matched with her outfit. She re-opened her eyes and I started brushing her lashes with mascara.

I paused for a moment, staring into Lauren's piercing green eyes as we both gazed into each other's orbs. I quickly averted my eyes to my make-up bag and grabbed the red lipstick, then placed the palm of my hand against her cheek for support. I rubbed the bright lipstick across her lower lip a few times, then she smacked her lips together to even out the lipstick. I did another later of the crimson lipstick as I took away the make-up item and looked up at Lauren's green orbs.

Although, her gaze was already trapped on my plum lips as she glanced up at my eyes that were staring at her. A slight blush appeared on Lauren's cheeks as if I had caught her. I got up from her lap, feeling the awkward tension rise between us.

"I'm going to do my hair, then we can leave, yeah?" I questioned, trying to change the subject and burst through this awkwardness as Lauren replied with a quick nod.

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