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Her emerald eyes made Camila nervous. She would bite her nails, fiddle with her long brown her hair and make sure her chocolate glazed eyes would never look into the green orbs for more than a second as she would most likely faint. Camila had never seen pure beauty before; her face was shaped by gods and each feature was perfectly crafted with complex designs. Her lips plum and a light shade of red, that hid away pearl white teeth, which she constantly bit down on. When she smiled, the corner of her mouth would curve at the sides to the point her eyes were practically closed and that made Camila's heart melt like ice on summer's hottest day. Her eyebrows tamed yet bushy and thick and dramatically danced with the change of her facial expressions. Camila loved surfing her fingertips through the roots of the girl's black, long hair or over her acres of ivory skin which helped bring out her deep, mesmerising, emerald eyes that made Camila fall into trances despite being too nervous to make eye contact with her. Each touch from her caused Camila to freeze and shiver, her mind would lose focus on what she was doing. The way this girl made Camila feel was beyond human capacity, it was supernatural or astrological or something that was she was unable to understand.

"Lauren." She whispered gently, pushing back strands of feral hairs behind her ear and pecking her lips down the side of her face. "Wake up, baby."

This is how Camila wanted to wake up every morning. In the arm's of Lauren and her first view every sunrise being Lauren's awakening face. As Lauren lifted her head up from the pillow, a wide smirk crawled over and Camila realised the nickname she had used which triggered her face to reddened completely like a tomato.

"I mean, I di-didn't mean to say that." The brunette stuttered with a shy tone as she glanced away from Lauren's intense stare that was burning into her.

"Don't stop." Lauren chuckled, cupping the side of Camila's hot face and softly placed their lips together for a tender kiss which add to the embarrassed girl's flustered state. "I think it's cute, baby."

She wanted to say something but her throat closed up and she could just about breathe after one kiss from Lauren. All she could do was stare at Lauren with nerves of excitement as her body burned from this little affection yet massive impact. Her face practically went up in the flames when Lauren released a small giggle after she realised Camila was literally speechless.

"I'm so st-st-stupid." Camila cracked an awkward smile as she covered her face with her hands, nuzzling herself further into Lauren's shoulder. "An-and shy, too." Her voice became weak and stutters started to slip through; she had it bad. "Now I'm st-stammering as well!"

"Babe, don't worry," Lauren reassured, pecking the side of her forehead then slowly trailing her lips down to Camila's cheeks whilst prying her hands away. "Show me your pretty face." She mumbled against the tanned skin whilst lifting the shy girl's chin up to see red burning bright.

"I'm silly." Groaned Camila with a frustrated sigh exiting her mouth, hiding her face once again with one of her hands which Lauren instantly pulled away.

"Not silly." The green eyes girl shook her head simply, "you're cute."

"Stop, Lauren." Camila giggled, digging her herself deeper into the pillow.

But there was no stopping and Camila certainly didn't want her to stop, despite the redder she got and the more embarrassed she got. She felt Lauren's hand snake around her hips, pulling her even closer, even though their bodies were pressed together, and showered Camila's neck and lower face with millions of kisses. Once Lauren began tickling her waist, Camila erupted into roars of laughter whilst trying to escape the green-eyed girl's grasps. She tried to push her away but she ended up being dragged on top which gave her the advantage point. In that position, she held down Lauren's feverish hands whilst she breathed heavily into her mouth. Slowly, Lauren took the brunette's bottom lip between her set of teeth, nibbled on it gently and tugged on it. She continued kissing down her neck then bit down hard on her flesh with light sucking which caused Camila to croak out a small moan. Camila's grip became loose and that allowed Lauren to flip the position where she had the flustered girl pinned to the mattress with a smug, proud grin smothered over her face.

"Goddamit," Camila grunted, gazing up at Lauren who hovered over her. "I can't believe I just fell for that."

"Shy little girl." Lauren tutted, rubbing her thumb over Camila's boiling cheeks which made her chuckle at how nervous Camila was around her; little did she know Lauren was exactly the same yet she was just a master of disguising her emotions. "Anyway," she began after lightly leaving Camila with one last kiss. "I think it's time I go, my parents will want me home soon."

"No!" Camila quickly interjected as her eyes widened before she awkwardly cleared her throat and glanced around the room when she said, "I mean, stay, for a little bit longer."

Lauren became soft. Her heart melted instantly when she heard Camila's small plead for her to not leave. Then, when the brunette's small hands slithered around Lauren and gripped onto her back as if she was never going to see Lauren again, the green-eyed girl couldn't go. Not when she saw the sadness glinting in Camila's warm brown eyes. Camila was already missing her and she was still in her arms. 

"I wish I could," The green-eyed girl flashed a sad smile as she kissed her forehead with tender care then stood up whilst her body slowly unravelled from Camila's. Although, Camila wore a small pout on her lips and her she folded her arms over as if she was ready to throw ten tantrums in one, "baby," Lauren whispered, rolling her eyes playfully. "I've been here for three days, I'm surprised you're not sick of me yet."

"But, that's the thing," Camila sighed dramatically, jumping onto her knees as she glanced over at Lauren with a depressing facial expression. "I'm already used to waking up next to your pretty face."

Now Lauren was smiling like an idiot, she hated how soft she had become ever since she met Camila yet if being with the brunette made her like that; she would be as soft a feather. It was so hard to turn and leave since she knew she would leave Camila all alone and sad yet she had to return home at some point so tough love was in need.

"Goodbye, Camz." Lauren kissed the top of her forehead but Camila's puppy eyes widened and her lower lip quivered making Lauren's heart ache a little harder but she shook her head; she must do this. "I'll see you soon, baby."

After one last hug, Camila had accepted the fact Lauren must depart at some point but her bedroom sheets didn't feel as warm without her presence and her bed didn't feel as comfy without her arms around her body; nothing felt right unless Lauren was next to her. Yet, the memories of Lauren's sleepy face every morning filled half of the void in her chest temporarily to help get through the hours and days of not seeing Lauren. She didn't want vibrant sunrises or full English breakfasts every morning or even a bed; as long as Lauren was in her arms, it was all she needed and all she wanted.

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