Open your heart up

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"We can't keep doing this." Camila mumbled against Lauren's lips as they stumbled into the front of the tour bus.

Lauren ignored her statement and carried on smashing their rosy lips together sloppily, before staggering backwards into the racks of bunks. As they constantly crashed into numerous walls and stopped for a second to regain stability, the two dark haired girls finally tripped into the back lounge.

They had both removed themselves from the groups meal a little bit earlier, by using the excuse that Lauren wasn't feeling too good and Camila was going to take care of her. The rest of the band mates weren't suspicious, but they all had secret seeds of self-made ideas growing in their thoughts of why Camila and Lauren always left early at nearly every event. It had started about two months ago and the girls would sometimes leave together or they had not-so-discretely planned staggered leaving.

Lauren pushed Camila onto the leather sofa, then climbed on top of her before she reattached their lips again. Lauren lied between Camila's legs, trailing sweet kisses over the Latina's neck as she ran her hands over the curves of the brunette's body.

"Lauren... Lauren..." Camila mumbled down Lauren's ear as the green eyed girl hummed, covering Camila's collarbones in quick kisses. "Lauren, stop."

"What? What is it?" Lauren asked confusingly, keeping herself up above the smaller girl with her arms.

"I can't keep doing this." Camila said with a heavy sigh coming out as she gazed into the deep pools of green.

"Camila..." Lauren huffed, dropping her head to rest on the Latina's shoulder.

"It's not right." The brunette spoke clearly and openly. "Bradley treats you like a queen and you're... cheating on him... with me."

Lauren rolled her eyes, lifting herself off of Camila and strolling over to the kitchen. She grabbed a glass, then filled it half with whiskey. Clutching it in her right hand, Lauren turned around and leaned on the tiny counter as she took a big sip of her beverage. Camila stood opposite Lauren, propping herself onto the kitchen surface as she gazed down at her dangling legs.

"Bradley... he's nice." Lauren spoke out randomly as she stared at her drink, swirling the beverage around in her glass. "He's so good to me, but, I don't know why he just doesn't make me happy."

Camila glanced up at Lauren, she was opening up and that was rare. Lauren was extremely closed off with her emotions, she never allowed anyone to know what she was thinking or feeling.

"You make me happy." Lauren said shyly. "But, I feel like shit, I didn't want to hurt Bradley." She took a gulp of her drink. "But I'm just so... scared."

"Why?" Camila asked politely, not wanting to push the girl.

"Of being in love with you." Lauren announced without thinking of the meaning behind her words.


"Ever since fifth harmony came together I knew I liked you." Lauren continued. "I was instantly attracted by your beauty, but truly fell for you when you opened your heart up and spoke so passionately, or when I first heard your music and loved it, or the way you laughed after my shit jokes." Camila couldn't suppress a smile, whilst hearing this affection from Lauren. "Or that smile you'd flash every time you caught me staring at you, or the way I turned completely nervous when you'd lean your head on my shoulder, or how I closed you off once when I discovered these feelings towards you and you didn't resent me, you tried so hand to make things okay and you did, or the feeling of your body against mine when you'd sneak into my bed late at night when you were too cold, and how you make laugh for hours on end because you are too funny." Lauren's lips curved at the sides thinking of all these wonderful moments. "My favourite is how you play the guitar and voice, because you're so talented."

Camila's cheeks were pouring with tears of joy as Lauren stepped closer to her, wiping her warm droplets with her thumb.

"And that night you kissed me it felt like a dream. Then we, you know..." the two dark haired girls chuckled lightly. "I never felt so connected to someone before."

"It never happened with Bradley, I never had that instant attraction and everything's forced and fake." Lauren sighed, pouting her lips slightly.

"Do you see what you've done to me? I never in my whole life felt this strongly towards someone and I never imagined being in love with someone this much, but Camila you've done it." Lauren's voice began to crack as she kissed Camila passionately. "I could sound like the biggest idiot right now if you don't return any feelings at all."

"Jesus Christ, Lauren, how couldn't I not be completely in love with you." Camila answered dumbfounded. "You were always so closed off." The Latina mumbled against Lauren's lips, wrapping her arms around the older girl's neck. "I just thought you took this as friends with benefits since you never showed any feelings towards, apart from friendly ones."

"I'm sorr--"

"Don't apologise." Camila butted in. "Will you break up with Bradley?"

"Of course, I'll text him to meet me tomorrow." Lauren agreed happily. "I love you."

"I love you too..." Camila flashed her million dollar smile as she kissed Lauren's chest where her heart was beating erratically. "...and that closed off heart."

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