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"I'm an idiot, Camila." She sighed, releasing a cloud of smoke from her dry lips as her emerald orbs stared at the gravel ground of the house party's back garden. Her thumb tapped the bread of the cigarette which triggered the pile of ash to snap in half and fall to the ground. Out of stress, she lifted it to her light red lips again and inhaled deeply, deeper than the previous inhale. Her long, pale legs crouched into her body with one of her ivory arms hooked around her scuffed knees. Since her head was tilted downwards, a raven coloured curtain of hair blocked the sight of the presence besides her.

"Lauren, I'm really sorry." The girl besides her spoke and was positioned exactly like the black haired girl that she could be her mirror. Lauren passed the cigarette as Camila took it into her slender, tanned skin fingers and started taking in large puffs of the grey toxin. Both their backs rested against the wall as Camila's brown eyes glanced to and fro from the floor to Lauren's hidden face to try and see her facial expression. The girl had an amazing poker face but underneath Camila knew she was hurt and upset. Camila surfed her hand through the roots of her dark chocolate coloured hair before stabbing the stub into the ground when there was nothing left to smoke.

Now there was no distractions. An awkward silence shadowed over the pair as Camila decided what to say to comfort Lauren in a weird time like this but she found herself speechless. All that filled their sensitive ears was the blaring sounds of pumping music shaking the walls of the home that was currently a rave for the teenagers who were either drinking, smoking or snorting inside. Sneakily, the air of the dead night was harsh enough to create goosebumps all over the girls' bodies. Yet neither of them noticed their shivering and clattering teeth since their minds were all over the place and they had bigger things to focus on.

"Don't apologise." Lauren eventually spoke with a much softer tone but kept a cold expression. "It's not your fault."

"And it's not your fault, Lauren, neither of us can help how we feel." Camila quickly replied, turning her head to watch Lauren, whose lips sagged slightly and a sad expression daunted over the green eyed girl's face even more noticeably. "You're not an idiot as well; I led you on unintentionally."

"It's not about me being led on easily." Lauren spoke with a croaky voice as her green eyes glazed with a coat of water that was filling up to the brim. "It's about me thinking that I might have had an actually chance with you that makes me an idiot."


"Please don't." She interrupted with a defeated tone. "Just don't say anything."

"I have to." Camila replied with a cautious approach. "I'm just sorry."

All Lauren could think about was all the moments she shared with Camila. The time they first met and Lauren had instantly been attracted to her then their first conversation where she could barely construct a sentence or stutter the majority of her words. When they would lie in bed with all their limbs intertwined with one another and she would comb her fingertips through the endless strands of Camila's brown hair or trace patterns over the brunette's skin until she fell asleep in Lauren's arms. The way Lauren's heart and breath stopped when their fingers briefly interlocked and how Camila's thumb brushed back and forth over Lauren's hand made her body completely rush with nerves and her stomach flutter like a butterfly's wings. Sometimes, Camila would catch Lauren staring and rather than being freaked out, she'd smirk at the vulnerable green eyed girl or she'd linger coffee coloured orbs a little longer than a friend would. In those moments, she'd pretend Camila was hers.

All Lauren could think about was; what was wrong with her? Why didn't Camila like her back? Was she too ugly or too fat? Was she too nice or too harsh? She would change for Camila but was it something she could change? Or was it simply not meant to be? All she ever wanted was for Camila to like her back and, in this moment, she felt like she would never get over this. That no other girl would/could replace Camila but, reminded by her friends, the flawless brunette was just a high school crush and Lauren had a long line of heartbreaks to come before she would understand the slight concept of love.

Eventually, Lauren had zoned back into reality and away from her galaxy mind when she noticed Camila was shaking like jelly in an earthquake. Without a word, she secretly slipped off her thick flannel shirt and handed it to Camila, refusing to glance up at the brunette's face. When Camila didn't make a move to take the garment, Lauren covered the exposed, tanned legs of Camila. Regardless of what the situation was between them, Lauren would always care for Camila and vice versa. Camila was silently regretting an extremely short skirt and a crop top as chosen attire for the party. She wished she had gone with Lauren's outfit choice; ripped jeans, a thin shirt (along with the flannel Camila was currently occupying) and a beanie. A hat was a signature look of Lauren's. Honestly, Camila loved Lauren's fashion sense and would often steal hoodies or hats since her clothes were a lot more comfortable.

"Is it okay if we stay friends?"

A huff escaped Lauren's mouth and Camila worried that was going to be her only reply until she responded bitterly, "I don't think we can, Camz."

As the last word dropped from Lauren's dry lips, she lifted herself onto her feet and left Camila in the cold with a shocked expression and her favourite flannel; the only way to remember Lauren by.

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