Girls on a track

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Digging her nose around her locker, Camila rooted through the organised storage space for her science books as she surfed her fingertips through her chocolate-coloured hair. Her browns orbs scouted the insides until she located her needed item and instantly snatched it to her paws. Startled, the brunette felt someone tap her shoulder causing her body to jump slightly until she turned her head to see a black haired girl leaned against the locker besides her. She visually relaxed but still seemed a bit anxious as she kept glancing around as if she was avoiding someone. The girl next to her rolled her green eyes as she smiled goofily, displaying rows of pearls that Camila loved to see.

"Don't worry, I checked, none of your friends will see us talking." The girl laughed lightly whilst the brunette shut her locker door over and faced the raven colour haired girl.

"Right." Camila nodded, continuing to keep an eye out if she saw anyone she knew. The halls were empty since it was quite early for people to start coming into school; only bookworms or nerds came in at this time. "So what's up, Lauren?"

"I was just wondering if we're going out tonight?" Lauren asked, shyly playing with her fingertips as she tried to fight off the dark blush painting her cheeks.

"Of course, it's Friday, we always go out Fridays." Camila replied with an obvious tone, wearing a happy smile across her lips.

"Okay, meet me at my house around seven, I'm going to take us somewhere." Lauren grinned excitedly.

"Ooo, mysterious." Camila joked, leaning closer to Lauren as they both giggled until Camila heard footsteps echoing down the hall and instantly stepped back from Lauren. "I'll see you later."

As quick as mouse, Camila raced off through the corridor, leaving Lauren stood at the lockers with a frown. Why was she so scared of people seeing them together? Lauren and Camila were friends, friends that liked to make out a lot and cuddle one another all the time. The only problem: Camila was straight. Or that's what she liked to tell herself every time her lips found Lauren's. Or every time she found herself thinking of Lauren's dreamy face. Or every time she thought of them being together or holding hands publicly. Lauren didn't mind being a secret though, well that's what Camila thought, that it was okay to keep them quiet. At the end of summer, the girls had met at a party for juniors starting high school. Sooner or later, they were upstairs with each other's lips all over each other. Although they didn't go any further than innocent kissing. The next morning Camila had vanished and Lauren had tried her best to forget the beautiful brunette until she strolled into her first class of junior year. Instantly, Lauren had began talking to her and after an awkward encounter, they started speaking every class they had. One time after school, Lauren had decided to help Camila with an English essay so they seated themselves in the back of the library. They had flirted slightly and before Lauren could stand up, Camila pulled her into a deep, passionate kiss. From that day, the girls had agreed to hang out regularly and Friday nights were their nights. Both of them would always make the effort to go and they never ever missed a Friday together. Even Camila would miss parties to see Lauren but Lauren wasn't much the social butterfly so she was always free. She was invited to some parties and people generally liked her but it didn't compare to amount Camila attended. Lauren tried not to let Camila secrecy bother her and thought of the positives than the negatives. Deep down, Lauren longed to be out with Camila. To have people ask her how they were doing or being able to hold one another's hand. To just be a public couple. They never really discussed it though and the conversation never rose. They were just two girls secretly meeting up and making out a lot but now Lauren was fed up.


"Camila's here." Lauren's mother yelled cheerily up the stairs to Lauren as she let the brunette in, waiting at the bottom of the steps for the green eyed girl. "Are you staying for dinner?"

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