The Purge

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Lauren and Normani looked over their planning board that had different photos and step-by-step instructions next to them. Red strings, which were nailed into the board by different pins, stretched from across the opposite side of the large-spread board to the other. The two girls memorised the well thought-out plan and nodded when they had remembered it.

Both girls suited up into special bulletproof vests and wrapped a heavy belt around their hips, which had leather pockets stitched into the side of it. Then, the dark-skinned women took first dibs on the guns they had sprawled across the bed and picked up a colt 45, then shoving it into the belt pocket. Normani delicately grabbed a long knife and ran her fight against the blade to test the sharpness. Satisfied, Normani slipped it into her belt too.

Now it was Lauren's turn to pick her handguns. She picked up a black pistol and (as the same as Normani) a different sliver revolver. After inspecting the weight and the carriage size, she placed them into her belt pockets security, also slipping a knife in her combat boots for emergencies.

Lauren swiped an AK47 off of the mattress, that had a strap attached to it, so they gun could dangle off her shoulders and left her with free hands. Normani snatched a M16 and placed it over her shoulders, so, yet again, she could have unoccupied hands too. They looked over each weapon and nodded in approval, each gun had a suppressor over it so it wouldn't make a loud noise every time they would shoot it.

The two girls stared into the full body mirror and analysed their outfits. Black head to toe. Black jeans, black shirts, black boots. They would camouflage right into the night.


Camila flustered around her mansion as her main head of security followed her. The man with blonde silk back hair and dressed in a classical black and white suit pressed the device in his ear and began ordering men all the outside of Camila's house. Camila ran her hand through her brown hair and entered her control room, which was full of computer screens that were filming the premier of Camila's house. At each entrance and window there was fully trained man with a gun patrolling the area.

"I'm going to join the men outside, so lock up the house and remember, Camila, everything's going to be fine." The muscular security man reassured the nervous brunette as she nodded calmly, so then the blonde haired man exited the household.

Camila sat in the her computer chair and scanned over her her different screens. She felt a wave of relief wash over when she saw over 25 bodyguards standing around her house. She looked down at the big red button in her desk and slammed it down, which caused the bulletproof shutters to slowly close down over every entrance of her house. She switched on the TV, that was hung on her wall and saw the news counting down the minutes until the annual purge would start.

Being a successful business women wth millions of dollars in the bank automatically made you an instant target on this night. Camila despised this night. Every human moral was broken and the society she was knew when she was younger was now the inhumane monsters that fed off this night.


This is not a test, this is your Emergency Broadcast System. Announcing the commencement of the annual purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government.

Weapons of class four and lower have been authorized for use during the purge. All other weapons are restricted.

Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity and shall not be harmed.

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