Leave while I'm not looking

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There she was. Standing in front of the green-eyed girl as if nothing had happened, that she was innocent or that an apology would be the answer yet it was the equivalent to a plaster being placed on a bullet wound. She smiled with her rosy lips and tanned, glowing skin looking better than she did a few months ago and her brown eyes glinted kindness and warmth but really she ripped through the green-eyed girl like a chainsaw; slowly and painfully. Words had a greater effect than physical torture because words lingered at midnight and kept bloodshot eyes wide open and words played like a broken record on repeat inside your head until it's the only word you can utter out. What was worse than words? Looks. The brown-eyed girl stressfully surfed her fingertips through the root of hair as she facial expression turned neutral. It was if any empathy switched off when she saw the green-eyed girl.

"After being distant from me for the past couple of weeks, you're deciding that we shouldn't talk anymore?" Muttered out the green-eyed girl with her voice dipped in misery and her eyes glancing back and forth from the brunette's eyes and the floor because it was too difficult to maintain eye contact for a certain amount of time. 

"You're not understanding, Lauren," She sighed exhaustingly, "I had so much going on in my head and I couldn't... talk to you about it."

"Why, Camila?" Lauren questioned with frustration in her eyes since she could see a clear solution but the path to it seemed more difficult than she anticipated. 

Lauren always told herself that if she was ever with someone, it would be easy, she was an understanding person and very laid back and she couldn't possibly imagine herself conflicting with her significant other. Until she met Camila. Everything started sweet but it didn't last long. It was so short that the sweetest turned bitter before she could even swallow. But that was a story that Lauren was tired of explaining and Camila was tired of remembering. Even when trying to rekindle their relationship a second time, things seemed to go more out of control. It made Lauren question fate. She didn't believe in fate but when she first met Camila she wondered how they met on such a weird a coincidence and how they met in their final year of high school without noticing one another in the previous years. Lauren was baffled how she didn't spot someone as beautiful as Camila ages ago. However, Lauren soon lost her faith in fate because no matter how much two people liked each other, sometimes they just don't work out and that was the saddest part. 

"I don't know, I just couldn't open up," Camila explained terribly, swirling her hands around the air in hopes they would somehow help get her words across, "We're just too toxic for each other, Lauren, you know it, I know it."

"No, we're not," Lauren argued back with a demanding tone, her eyebrows raising with defensiveness, "we could make this work."

"I'm not going through that mess again," Camila responded with an indifferent voice as if she was talking to Lauren without any compassion or care for her. How she had changed over the small winter break. She was as pretty as a snowflake but too many and she was as cold as a snow blizzard and you were stuck in the middle of it. "Just, just get on with your life, Lauren."

She scoffed. Get on with your life. As if Lauren didn't want that. Lauren wanted to be able to forget her, she wanted to wake up in the morning without an empty feeling in her chest, she wanted to not feel purposeless anymore, she wanted to go through a day where Camila wasn't always in her mind but she couldn't. Her heart was addicted to Camila as if she was the living form of heroin and Lauren would inject her, no matter what the risk was. 

"Right," Lauren nodded with a heavy heart. "This is it then?" Her mind had shut down, her hands were shaking, her body didn't know what to do apart from her heart; her heart was banging from the inside of her chest telling her to grab Camila and never let her go. But it was time for her heart to be quiet and for her brain to do the most logical decision; let her go.

"Yeah, I think it's for the best that we don't try and be friends and that we don't talk at all," Camila demanded with her eyes burning into Lauren but the green-eyed girl couldn't bring herself to lift her eyes up in fear she might just break down right there, right then. 

"Okay, I agree." She lied. She wasn't sure if she was lying to herself or to Camila but she didn't want to look any more desperate by begging for someone who had already left. "I guess this is it then, bye."


Lauren didn't watch Camila leave, she couldn't watch her walk away because it would just break her even more than she already was. Within seconds, Camila was out of sight and Lauren couldn't hear anything apart from white noise and the sounds of her breathing. Was she hyperventilating? No one she ever cared about had left her and she knew that she never wanted anyone to leave her ever again. This was it, it was an ending. 

Author's note

Sorry about being inactive, here's a little one shot- comment what one shots you guys would like to see.

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