Tickle fight

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Camila rested her head lightly on Lauren's shoulder as they both focused on the television screen. Everyone had gone to bed on the tour bus, apart from the driver and the two dark haired girls. Camila yawned adorably, then Lauren chucked a piece of popcorn at her face from the bowl on her lap, causing the girl to perk her head up.

"Wake up." Lauren spoke with a serious tone, but started laughing slightly.

"Bitch." Camila muttered playfully as she threw several pieces of popcorn at the taller girl.

Lauren gasped, returning the action until Camila hit her arm lightly. The taller girl started tickling Camila's stomach, causing the brunette to wriggle around in stitches of laughter. In the heat of the moment Lauren jumped to her knees knocking the bowl onto the floor, but not caring at all.

Camila fell back on the sofa as fits of giggles erupted from her mouth, whilst desperately trying to get Lauren off of her. Camila fought back tickling the taller girl's stomach aswell, which Lauren just shrugged off as she wasn't ticklish at all. Camila face dropped, but Lauren continued to dominate by swiftly tickling the brunette's belly.

"Lauren stop!" Camila begged with a breathless chuckle as she tried wiggling her body free, but Lauren just shook her head and climbed on top of one of Camila's legs, then slipping her knee in between her thigh unintentionally.

Suddenly, Lauren shifted her knee and accidentally pressed it against Camila's crotch forcefully, causing the brunette to let out a quiet moan.

"Oh go-god, sh-shit, sorry." Lauren spoke quickly as she went to move her knee, but felt Camila's hands grip her leg into place. "Camila...?"

"It feels nice."

Lauren froze as Camila's cheeks began to reddened and the brunette started to moving Lauren's leg in a slow pace, whilst the green eyed girl's knee rubbed against Camila's sensitive spot. The black haired girl stared at the Latina below her with utter shock.

Lauren started moving her joint against the damp fabric by herself in the speed Camila liked it, but applied more pressure, causing her to let out a loud moan. The tanned skin girl dropped her arms besides her as Lauren circled her spot with her kneecap. More moans poured out from the brunette as Lauren sped her action up, causing the brunette to start panting.

"Does that feel, urh, good?" Lauren whispered, hovering above Camila as she kept the stimulus on her pleasurable area.

"Amazing." Camila said breathlessly, wrapping her arms around Lauren's neck to grip on tighter as the waves of pleasure washed through her body.

Camila started to grind her hips in rhythm, running her hands through Lauren's thick, black hair as she continued to let out little pants.

"Camila, you're gonna wake up the others." Lauren whispered down the Latina's ear with a husky tone.

"Then shut me up."

Lauren mentally debated, but soon crashed her soft lips onto Camila's plum lips. Their mouths danced together, fitting perfectly as if they were made for each and Camila didn't hesitant to deepen the kiss by running her tongue over Lauren's lower lip. Lauren granted her access as the brunette explored every inch of the older girl's mouth. Applying slight more pressure and speed to Camila's sensitive spot, the brunette bucked her hips and threw her head back.

"Lau-Lauren!" Camila moaned loudly into Lauren's mouth as she reached her climax and panting erratically.

The two dark haired girl's chest heaved in and out as Lauren trailed little pecks down Camila's neck that glistened with sweat.

Camila sat up with Lauren and straddled on her lap as she reattached their lips eagerly, then slid her hands down Lauren's flat stomach. She began unzipping the older girl's jeans, sucking on her neck gently and snaking her hands down the front of her panties.

"Camila?" Dinah's groggy voice was heard from the collection of bunks in the next room.

Lauren jumped from Camila quickly and the younger girl stood up as they both took their seats on the sofa, trying to look as normal as possible. Soon, tired Dinah trudged into the living room and eyeing the two flustered girls sitting on the sofa.

"Everything alright?" Dinah asked, staring the two dark haired girls down like guilty victims.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" Lauren questioned trying to keep herself cool and calm.

"One, I heard Camila groaning, two, there's spilled popcorn all over the floor." Dinah pointed out as Lauren blushed even deeper, kneeling down to pick up the forgotten spilled popcorn as Camila just giggled to herself. "I'm going to back to bed, weirdos."

Lauren binned the snack and returned back to her seat next to Camila as they both seat in silence, staring at the television. They glanced at each other awkwardly, but began sniggering and chuckling like school girls at what had just happened.

Camila slithered her hand down Lauren's pants again, this time determined to return the pleasure as she whispered seductively. "I wonder how ticklish you are."

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