Jack's P.O.V Chapter 8

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This is it........I haven't even survive the first day and now these zombie like aliens are going to kill me.For some reason my mind went on Maria in this very moment,wondering if she was safe from all this chaos.Inane looks scared shitless as she tries to figure which way to run even though we were cornered by these things.One of the creatures then knock me to the floor which caused me to barely hear Inane as she was shouting at me then at them and soon she is knocked out unconscious in the front of me and I too soon lose consciousness.

"Jack.....Jack.....Jack we have to get out of here or were dead,get up." A strange but familiar voice calls for me.

I barely open my eyes and the figure stood before me looked like Avery.I was so excited but couldn't talk or move.The voice call for me again and this time I see Inane .She sat on the floor with her hands tied behind her back and struggle to move as she calls to me.

"Inane am awake,where are we are we still at the hospital?" I asked trying to catch my bearings as I sat up.

"I don't think so this place almost looks like some sought of dungeon or holding cell."She says as she struggles to stand up with her hands tied behind her back.

"What the fuck? Did those things moved us to another location away from the hospital?"

"Am not sure but we need to get out of here I think these things are coming back soon."

"What do you think they are going to do with us?" I asked looking around the holding cell as I too stood up.

"I don't know."

I then heard foot steps as if someone was coming to the holding cell.I then back away touching my back against the wall scared as shit.Then this old looking man comes in front of the cell with the bars separating us from him.He looked to be a police officer but I knew better then that it was one of them......one of those creatures.

"You humans are so oblivious to what is going on that you don't even know who your enemies are.I can assure you that we don't intend to destroy your world we just intend to exterminate you from it." The creature said hidden in this old police officer appearance while smiling evilly with black gooey substances draining from his mouth.

I turned my head away not wanting to see the sight of that because lets face it that shit is gross.I just really wish I could wake up from this nightmare and be awaken by my alarm clock,I will be the happiest man in the world.

"What do you mean you want to exterminate us?" Inane asked.

"Don't you know the meaning of exterminate bitch?" The old man asked.

"If I get out of here-"Inane says but is interrupted by him.

"If you get out of here you're going to what? Cut my throat? Shoot me or how about beat me to death? You're not going to do shit because I have you locked tight in this cell until they are ready for you." The creature says getting all excited and loud.

"Who do you mean they?" I asked trying to prone this nasty creature.

"You will see.....oh you will see." He said then walks off.

I then look at Inane as she looks at me and walk closer to the bar to see what I can see but I only could see a next cell in front of us and on the side of us.I then attempt to put my hands under me so that my hand would be in the front of me so I can also attempt to loose this rope tied around my hands and with success but I couldn't get this rope loose even with the help from Inane,the whole thing seem hopeless.

I was pretty sure we were in this holding cell for about six hours if not well pretty close.Suddenly though we heard screaming in the hall way and immediately got up to see what the commotion was about.We then see two of those things carrying this next man who fought back violently trying to get out of their possession,he even managed to injure one of the guys but that didn't turn out well for him as they punched and kicked him on the ground causing him to render.They then throw him in the cell as the old cop laughs and tease the man.

The man struggle to get up without his hands being cuffed or tied.Well at least they didn't cuffed him I thought to myself.He was bloody and looked to be in his mid twenties with short blonde hair and fair complexion.

"Are you okay?" Inane asked the man.

"Yeah am good.Those fuckers are going to pay for what they did.....I swear."

"Whats you name?" Inane asked our new prisoner mate.


"Good.....this is Jack and am Inane." Inane said pointing to herself to introduce herself then to me to introduce me.

"Glad to meet you all but how about saving the introduction for a later date and try to get the fuck out of here." Donovan says now getting a bit irritated.

"Well the good thing we got is that your hands are are loose.Maybe we can sneak one of those things." I said still trying loose my hands from the ropes.

"We have to distract them or something and only one I can take at a time. I can't take on all them by my self." Donovan says.

"If we can get that cop close enough to the cell we can trying and knock him out and then get the keys." Inane says looking at me then Donovan in the next cell.

"Well it beats staying here and waiting to see what they have in store for us." Donovan says as he looks around his cell.

"Okay lets make noise and see if we can get him to the cell.It might work." Inane says looking desperate to attempt the escape.

We all start making noise and screaming which eventually after five minutes worked.The old cop then comes running to our cell then to Donovan cell cursing at us.When he gets close enough Donovan grabs his pants and pulls him against the bars of his cell violently and repeatedly eventually knocking out.

The old cop fell down in the front of Donovan cell and he reached into his pocket and found a set of keys.He then gets them and we all smile from the sign of victory.Donovan struggle to find the key for his cell but eventually find the right one.He then opens his cell looks at us and smiles.

"Sorry people but I need a distraction while I get out this shit hole.Sorry for your destiny but it is what it is." He then ran off.

"Donovan! Donovan!" Inane screams out to him.

"Shit" I said as I sat back down on the floor against the wall.


Note: Hey guys hope you are all enjoying the series.If you want me to update just comment and tell me what you like and dislike about the story so far. :)

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