Avery's P.O.V Chapter 10

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I keep having blurred visions of people screaming,sounds of many emergency vehicles and smoke coming from a large building.Is any this for real or is it just a dream?

I then woke up in a hospital bed located in a hospital with a huge headache. As I try to get up the lights suddenly went off.....okay that is weird I thought to myself.I still continue to get up out of the bed anyway and took the I.V's out of my skin.As I walked in the dark room I thought to myself that the generator should kick in any time because this is a hospital right? Well I was wrong after waiting for about ten minutes for the thing to kick in.What in the hell is going on?

I then heard screeching of car tires and then a big collision as if a car crashed into something.I then walk to the window as fast as I can and see a car damaged in the front of a lamp pole.Then it gets weird a woman exits the vehicle and began to run as a man exits the back seat of the vehicle and chases her. After witnessing that it frighten the hell out of me.

My heart started to race as I feel my way through the dark room when I suddenly bump into some sought of desk or something.I then tried to check the drawers but found no flash light or any item to use for lighting.I then slapped my forehead which hurt my head even more and grabbed my phone from out of my pocket and used the flash light app.

"Hello.Is anyone here?" I shouted as I poked my head through the door to see if I would see anybody but saw no one.

Scared as I was I began walking through the hall way hoping to see some type of human life.I then heard whispers like multiple people were behind me whispering.I then turned around quickly but saw nobody.......okay that was weird,am I tripping? Must be the meds.

Then I realized that for some strange reason I couldn't remember how I got into this hospital in the first place and felt like my brain in my head was being punched by a pro boxer.All I could remember is blurred images of a smoking building and the siren sound of emergency vehicles.For some strange reason I thought of Jack and wonder where he was.I then checked my phone and realized that I still had no signal,you gotta be kidding me.

The whispers started again but this time they felt closer when suddenly I am grabbed in a room nearby and my mouth covered preventing me from screaming.I then tried to kick the person but they prevented me from doing so.

"Be easy kid." A male voice whispers in my ear as I continued to struggle to free myself.

"The world has went to shit and you want to fight me for saving you?" The male whispers in my ears again.

The male then slowly releases me and I shine the light in his face to see who he was but he blocked the light with one of his hands.

"Jesus kid the light please." The male says still blocking the light from his eyes.

I then ease the light off his face for him to reveal his face and saw his dark brown eyes,blonde hair and beautiful kissing lips oh my God its Robert Hill from Wingsbell High who is the most popular boy in our school and who is also the boyfriend of Maria Verrin.

"Robert Hill? Wow like this night couldn't get any weirder." I said rolling my eyes.

"Hey look kid I saved you from those things out there.You should be thanking me." Robert says still whispering and looking irritated with my last comment.

"Okay first off let's get something straight.Please stop calling me a kid because we're in the same grade unless you repeated a few times,second off I have a name and its Avery okay and what are you talking about those things?" I said almost shouting.

" Okay Look 'Avery' keep your voice down.Those things out there are not humans and they attack people." Robert says as he walks to one of the windows of the room pull the curtain to the side then looks outside.

"What? That doesn't make any sense.So your saying that we are in a zombie apocalypse or something?" I said smiling like it was some joke.

"It's no wonder why I didn't recognized you in school." He says looking at me for a second then back out the window.

"Oh am sorry that the 'Great King Robert of Wingsbell High' didn't noticed me because he was so busy throwing a football around but still lost the championship game last year." I said shooting a diss back at him.

"Don't ever mention that championship gam-" Robert starts to say but is interrupted by a loud thud against the door that frighten me.

"They're here we gotta get outta here." Robert says as he begins to open the window.

"Oh you have to be joking.Are you crazy?" I asked but got frighten by another thud against the door.

"Either you jump through this window or they get you." Robert says putting his hand out for me to grab as those whispers I heard earlier goes into a frenzy.

I then hold his hand which was the craziest thing I ever did in my life but in that momment for some strange reason I felt.......safe.

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