Chapter 2 Maria's POV

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I came out of the kitchen eating ice cream in a bowl. I really love ice cream and the good thing about it is I don't gain no weight when I eat it, every girl's dream. As I drop down in my couch I grab the remote and cut on the t.v. to see whats on. I immediatly turned it to MTV to look for my favorite show Teen Wolf but as the show starts it is immediatly interrupted by an emergency news broadcast.

"Today at three thirty a plane has crashed into the building of Starstruck Ltd near Wingsbell High school, injuring thirty nine people and killing seventeen people. Some of the law officials feel that it was another terriost attack that was planned today. The government has no comment on this matter at the time." The woman says as she stands on the side of millions of police cars,ambulance and firetrucks.

I was so shocked by the news I dropped my bowl and it broke.My mom comes downstairs and ask "Honey are you ok?"

"Yeah mom just a little shocked from this huge accident they had near my school this afternoon." I say turning to her.

"Oh baby am sorry, was any of your friends in the accident?" She ask as she comes and hug me.

"Not that I know of, its just so sad where all those people got hurt and some losing their lives." I say as I hug my mom.

"It could have been another terrorist attack." My mother say watching the t.v.

"Coud be" I say watching as well.

Suddeny the power goes off and the whole house is dark. I cut my phone screen saver on for some light to light up the room.Ok now that was uncalled for, why would they decide to cut off the power now? Well candles it is until further notice.

The t.v. freakishly cuts on by itself and startles my mom and I, so I went to the light switch and click it on but there is no light. Thats weird why would the t.v. be on and not the lights? The t.v. screen just has the emergency screen on with all the colors.

"Thats definely not normal." I say as I try to dial out on my phone to call my boyfriend Robert but couldn't get through.

"Maybe there is a thunder storm coming sweetie." My mom says looking in the drawers for matches.

"But mom the t.v. is on and the lights is not. How is that even possible?" I say grabbing the remote trying to change the channel but got no success, which made it even more weirder.

It does turns on its own though and this woman comes on it staring at us in the t.v. .Her black hair was a mess out of place, her eyes didn't look right it looked evil as if she was trying to intimadate us,she had black circles around her eyes as if she was sick. This woman really looked a mess and unorthodox in my opinion.

"I am Queary from planet Nomet and I am here to seal your faith for your crimes against our people." She says as she stands in the front of some people that looked like they were in a trance.

"Two weeks ago our princess of our planet was sent here with two ambassadors to seek a peace treaty and an alliance for both of our race but you saw different,instead of embracing us and trying to learn from one another you decide to kidnap our princess and kill our ambassadors."

"What is she talking about?" My mom ask looking more confused than I am.

"I think she is an alien and we kinda tick her off, not good mom." I say as I was looking into my phone to find out there was no signal still, shit just got real.

"We are going to devour your planet until we find our princess and when we do find her?" She begins to laugh "And oh you better hope we do find her. We are going to continue to devour you." She says and the screen goes back to the emergency screen.

I look into the t.v. shocked from what I just saw and confused at the same time. Like first off I thought aliens didn't exist let alone have princesses and they look like us, only thing is though they look like they had a worst space life but they look just like Well not really because now our world is going to be destroyed by them.

"Mom where is dad?" I asked just noticing I have'nt seen him for the day

"He was suppose to be in the basement working on his toy planes." She says as she starts to close all the windows and blinds in the house.

"Mom they're not toys they are antiques." I said rolling my eyes.

"Maria right now I don't care if they are toys or antiques. Did you heard what that alien like woman said? They are going to devour us!" She says panically grabing knifes and any type of item that can be used as an weapon out of the kitchen drawers and then hands me a knife.

"Mom really? We don't know if this was some terriorist stunt or some type of trick by the media." I say putting the knife on the counter.

"Honey I think this is more serious than we think,even if its not we should still take precaution." She says holding me by the shoulders annoying the crap out of me.

"Mom seriously your obsession with Falling Skies is very annoying." I say removing her hands from me.

I need to find dad to make sense of things, there has to be a logical explanation for this. I know I just saw a woman on the t.v. just said she was an alien and that she was going to destroy our planet but I just can't believe it , these type of things you only see on t.v. shows or cartoons not in real life.

"Dad?" I scream his name walking down the basement with mom hot on my heels with a flash light pointing it down in the basement. We slowly go down the dark basement because lets face it down here is creepy with all these lights off and dad not answering us.

"Mom you sure dad is down here?" I say looking back at her as she just nods to me yes.

A loud thud got both of our attention in this dark basement as we turn towards the noise with the flash light to see dad planes all over the floor along with his desk.

"Dad are you ok?" I ask but got no answer.

Mom then turns the flash light in the corner and we see dad looking straight at us with black eyes and he is not even blinking from the flash light. What the fuck? This is not even normal, my dad just stands there staring at us as if he was in some trance.

"Greg?Honey are you alright? Because right now you're scaring your daughter and I shitless,pardon my french." My mom says with concern in her voice.

He just stands there staring at us with those black dark eyes giving me chills inside. I start to walk towards him when suddenly he grabs me and pins me up against the wall opens his mouth as he is about to bite me.

I pass out.

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