Jack' P.O.V

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Inane and I sat against the wall of the cell trying to figure a way out of this place.That Jerk Donovan should get shred to pieces by those things for leaving us in here.I mean we helped him to get the cop alien man in here but he still backstabbed us.

The cop alien like thing then regain his consciousness while rubbing his head.He then looks into the cell Donovan was in and discovered that he wasn't still in the cell.

"Son of a bitch." He said while getting up.

"Where did that lil worm go?" He asked Inane and l.

"If I knew I would have told you the second you got up but unfortunately  I don't ." I said while still leaning up against the wall.

"What do you want with us?" Inane asked him while getting up and walking up to the cell gate.

"It is not what I want with you but what the elite wants with you." He says as he walks off.

"What does he mean by elite?" I asked while looking at Inane who just stands there thinking.

"Whats on your mind Inane." I asked as I got up and walked towards her.

"I know this place." She says while looking in Donovan's cell across the from theirs.

"How do you know this place?" I asked while trying to see what she was looking at in the cell.

"You see that number over there written on the wall that says 06?" She asked turning her attention to me.

"Yeah." I said looking at the number.

"Well I was in custody in this same police station in 2006." She says as she goes to sit back down against the wall.

"Why were you in custody?" I asked her as I turn my attention to her.

"I was in a murder investigation." She  says not trying to give me eye contact.

"Wait.....what?" I said chuckiling to myself until I realized she was  not laughing.

"Your serious aren't you?" I said now serious

"When I came home from school I took this alley shortcut that will lead me to the back of my mom's apartment.While going there I saw this guy who would be around the neighborhood selling drugs to people.He then approached me and asked if I wanted to be with him but I told him no." Inane says while she begin to cry while closing her eyes.

"Listen Inane I can see this is alot for you so you don't have to cont-"

"He raped me Jack.....he raped me and took my virginity which is how I contracted aids.Then he tries to kill me by strangling me but I stabbed him in the neck with a pen I used at school which caused him to bled out." She said now looking at me very serious.

"Wow.....that's alot to deal with." I said lost for words to say.

"I got off with self-defense." She says as she looks the next way.

After hearing Inane story I start to think of my parents and wonder if they were okay.Life sucked way before these creatures came here.Here it is I was complaining about pimples,girls and school grades when Inane was raped as a teenager,contracted aids and killed a man.Wow that's some deep shit to think about.

My thoughts are interrupted when the last  person I wanted to see was standing in front of our cell.....Donovan.

"What the hell do you want?I thought you needed us for a distraction.?" I asked him angrily.

"Okay you have every right to be mad at me but I was only thinking of myself and was wrong at the same time.So I decided to come back and get you." He says trying to look sincere but I didn't believe him.

"Even if we did trust you.How in the hell are we getting out of here?" I said to him as he smiles and shows me the cell keys.

"What about those things?" I asked while looking back at Inane to see if she was alright.

"I killed all of them." He said while trying to find the key to open the cell.

"Oh so now we're suppose to believe you?For all we know this can be another trap." I said as he now finds the key and opens the gate.

"Listen I came back which I didn't have to.Either stay here or leave." He says with a good point I thought to myself.

We then came out the cell and followed Donovan out the station and observed the dead people on the floor as we traveled throughout  the station.

"So you killed all of them?" Inane asked Donovan as we went

"Yeah....They ain't my first niether." He said as he walks to a car.

"Okay we're good from here" I said as I grab Inane hand to walk in the next direction but is stop when I see more of those things with those black soulless eyes in front of us preparing to attack us.

"Let's go!!!!" Donovan shots as he gets in the car with us behind him.

We then enter the car and Donovan floors the gas pedal.As we drove away from the station we knock some of the creatures down.While I look at Donovan in the driver's seat I noticed a bite on his wrist.

"Whats that?" I asked

"Just a bite mark from one if those things.....its okay though." He says as he continues to pay attention to the road.

Okay lets think here.....Donovan single handedly took out those things at the station and now he has been bitten.Nope no pressure..... no pressure at all I thought to myself as I paid attention to the road thinking of a way to get Inane and I out this car.

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