Chapter 7 Maria's P.O.V

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My mom and I had been walking for three hours now along side the road,we tried flagging down cars that passed us but nobody stopped which I couldn't blame them now that you couldn't trust anybody.That dream that I had earlier about my dad was still on my mind and I hated the fact that I had to think about it.

My dad was nothing like that creature that my mom and I encountered in the basement at our house.He was more caring and loving than those black unemotional eyes I saw was like he was already dead.This is too much thinking about how I lost my dad and worst how I played a part in killing him or destroying his body.

"Are you okay hun?" My mom asked looking at me concerned and then put her arms around me.

"Yeah sure mom.Just wonder if we did the right thing with dad."

"Listen Maria we had no choice in the matter,if we hadn't kill that thing that took over your dad it would have killed both of us." My mom said now stopping and looking me in my face.

Suddenly we saw lights from far down the road coming towards us.Eventually when it came closer I saw that it was a military truck.We both waved and screamed trying to get the attention of the driver as it approached and it stopped but nobody came out of the truck.

"Put you hands in the air and step in front of the truck so we can see your eyes." A voice through the speaker of the truck said to us.  

 We did as instructed with our hands in the air and stepping in front of the truck showing them our eyes.The driver side door then open and out comes a middle aged man dressed in Army Combat Uniform.

"You girls aren't safe out here.You should come with me there is an army camp 30 miles from here I can carry you there.Lets get moving." The man said as he look into the woods probably looking to see if anything was out there.

We then without hesitation went on the passenger side of the truck and hopped in.We then sped off into the night.For most of the ride we hardly spoke because the man was not much of a talker.

"So what happened out here?" My mom said finally breaking the silence.

"The earth is under attack by extraterrestrials that call them selves Kians......these creatures are dangerous.They are more like parasites where they take over a host and kill them from the inside.......once your body is taken over by them there is no coming back......your already dead." The man said never taking his eyes from off the road.

" that alien who was on the t.v. earlier was real and they are taking over this planet."

"Maria watch your mouth."


"So what do they want?" My mom asked looking at the man.

"They want this planet." He finally looked away from the road and looked at us.

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