Chapter 5 Jack's POV

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Jack's P.O.V

I hear somebody or something hit the floor. I grab Inane's hand tighter and felt she grab mines harder as well.

"You ok?" I ask waiting for a response in the dark.

"Yeah. Do you think that was the girl who you were calling?" Inane ask me as I pray to God not.

"I don't know but I wonder if the rest of them are still in here?" I asked putting my finger back on the trigger just in case.

"Hold on let me get my phone out of my pocket and shine its light." Inane says still holding my hand as she searches for her phone.

"I got it." She says as she shines its bright light around the room. We saw nothing inside except for Doug's body and a woman on the floor.

"Whoa! Ok am sure that is not Avery." I said cautiously walking towards the dead corpse holding the old revolver with two hands pointing at the dead body or creature whatever they are while Inane follows me holding on my arm.

"Is she dead?" Inane ask.

"I don't know." I said as I tip her with my feet timid like.

"Ok Jack lets get the fuck out of here before it changes its mind on staying dead." Inane says trying to pull me towards the open door eventually getting me to follow suit from looking at the dead body.

We quietly walk out of the room into the hall way shining Inane's phone in the front of us lighting up our path ahead of us. Cautiously we walk through the hallway looking at every corner so those things to jump us. I never thought I would have been in this situation, gun in my hand with a beautiful chick on the side of me....who has AIDS by the way but still. I actually killed someone but that's not freaking me out the way I thought it would it's the fact that I have no idea where Avery is.

"Inane, isn't that weird?" I asked as I keep my eyes on the path ahead of us.

"Dude you can whisper you know am right on the side of you and what is weird?" She whispers keeping her eyes on our path as well.

"The fact that the woman or that thing that I killed knew me, it called my name and it had the exact same voice as Avery. How is that even possible?" I ask waiting for Inane response.

"I don't know. Probably they just sound alike you know what I mean? The woman creature thing and your friend Avery." She says to me as she walks with me still holding on to my shoulder.

"Yeah but the exact same sound? Come on Inane something is definely wrong with that picture." I said now stopping and looking at her.

"Look Jack probably your right but that is not going to help us get out of here. Come on we need to keep moving." She says holding on to me.

We walk all the way to a stairway and I stop catching Inane by surprise as she looks at me wondering what is wrong.

"Why you stop? You saw something?" Inane ask looking at me fearful.

"No its just that my friend Avery has to be in here somewhere. Maybe she is still alive because that woman that I shot in that room was not her." I said with so much emotion of guilt of even considering leaving without her, she was my best friend we grew up together.

"Jack look we can barely save ourselves and besides we have no idea where she can be in this twenty floor building." She says putting her hand through her brown hair kind of frustrated.

"I know Inane but we have to at least try.....please." I said trying to convince the former nurse of the hospital.

Suddenly though we hear whispers and a lot them. We turn the phone light in that direction and saw people with black eyes crawling on the ceiling of the hall way and some hiding in the corner of the hallway from the light we shine towards them.

We start running and we head down the stairs as fast as we could. Inane slips on some blood on the stairs as we run from these things on the stairs and I quickly grab her and we continue running down the stairs. As we run down the stairs we meet couple of them down stairs waiting for us staring at us. We run back upstairs and came face to face with the ones who were chasing us in the first place.

I point my gun at them then turn around and point the gun at the ones who were behind us. They just start whispering amongst themselves. What the hell are these things? I know for sure they are not humans because I mean they bite other people like zombies.

Never dreamed I would experience a zombie apocalypse but here I am in the middle of two big herds of them. They both inch up to us slowly as if they knew I was dangerous with this gun in my hand. I only had two bullets left and I am definely not going to kill myself. I pull the trigger shooting a woman or whatever she was in the head they back up except this one huge guy.

"You humans are so violent and so oblivious to change that you fight it." The huge man says smiling at us.

"What are you and what do you want from us?" I said stuttering barely getting a grip on my sentence.

He laughs

"We want your bodies, we want your planet and we want our princess." He says walking closer to me like two feet from me and I panic and shot him in the head as well. The rest start a whispering frenzy and began charging at us. Can this be it for me? I never got to tell Avery......tell Avery that I......I.....I.

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