Lani and Jay Jay

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I just want to thank you for choosing to read this book. The writing and story gets better in three chapters. PM me for anything, Vote, comment and share.

"Naylani" I heard Jason call me.

I did not answer him because I was mad at him. Yesterday he did not come to my room to wish me goodnight like every other day.

So I folded my arms and tapped my foot against the floor waiting for him to show up so I can ignore him more.

"Lani" he called me by my nickname.

He came in the kitchen running towards me. I continued tapping my foot and pouting.

"Lani, are you fine?" he asked.

I just looked around and decided to look for ice-cream in the freezer.

"Lani, why are you not talking to me? Lani please say something please, Lani" he said.

Jason was about to cry, so I ran to him and hugged him.

"Jay Jay, you did not come to wish me goodnight yesterday. I was mad at you." I said.

"I'm sorry, Lani.", he said.

He went to the freezer where I was before and took out ice-cream as he already knows it's my favourite thing to eat.

Well, Jason and I were born in the same year the only difference is we're a month apart. I was born in July and him in June.

We're now 6 years old and happy best friends.

Jason protects me everyday especially when I have nightmares, he comes to my room and covers me with his blanky then proceeds to kiss my cheek and rub my back to make it better.

Jason took out two bowls and spoons. He scooped the ice-cream into the bowls. I ran to the pantry to get some sprinkles because I love them, even Jay Jay does.

I went back running to Jay and I almost fell but he balanced me preventing me from falling.

"You are my hero Jay Jay! " I exclaimed.

"I will always save you Lani." he said.

Jay Jay was taller than me so he didn't have to climb the kitchen stool to reach the ice-cream bowls. I climbed onto the kitchen stool and added the sprinkles. I added more sprinkles to my ice-cream than his.

"Lani!" he whined.

I just gave him a mischievous look and added a cherry on top for the both of us.

We went to the play room and sat down on the couch.

"Lani, what movie to you want to watch." he asked.

"Cinderella!" I said excitedly.

"Again, Lani?" he asked.

"Yes Jay, because I'm Cinderella and you're my Prince." I said.

Jay put in the movie and we watched it until his mother, the Luna called him.

We went to the dinning Hall and saw Alpha and Luna standing with their bags.

"Jason, we have to visit a pack and you're coming with us for a week." Alpha said to Jay.

"Do I have to dad? But what about Lani?"

"Lani will be here waiting for you to come back, right Lani?" Alpha asked.

"Yes, Alpha Jackson."

Jay came to me and hugged me so I gave him a kissy on the cheek and then we both giggled.

"Bye Jay Jay. See you" I said.

I will miss you

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