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11 Months later (May)

I was running through the forest near Jay and I's favourite spot. That's when I realised my shoe laces were loose.

I stopped at the river and drank some water to cool off. It was an habit I developed at a young age.

I then proceeded to walk to the cave. I sat down and I took the small box that Jay forgot to take on his birthday, he forgot it on his nightstand. I'll never forget that day.

I opened the box and held Jay's present close and tight to my heart.

I got him a necklace, that had a wolf, you could open the wolf and inside was Jay and I's picture.

He will be back in a month , I thought. For his 16th birthday, his end of Alpha Training and his night to find his mate after his first shift.

His life will be complete. I just hope that his mate doesn't get upset about my close bond with Jay. He'll probably start being distant and I don't mind. But hell, I'll miss him. It's been long since he has been gone . I just want to hold him and have him kiss my forehead only because I miss him, I mean he's my best friend after all.

I stood up as it was approaching sunset. I walked through the greeny forest that always held a natural and earthy scent. It calmed me down. My trip back the pack house was always prolonged because of how I cherished nature as a whole. It would brush my hand against the tree barks and leafs. I would continuously pick up large branches that fall off and carry them with me to where bonfires are held on some occasions.

When I arrived, I went straight upstairs to my bedroom. I took a long shower and did my night rituals.

I then got out, went to my walk-in closet and I chose pyjamas,which were a black short and a grey shirt and I wore my underwear too(wouldn't want to forget that).

By the time I finish it was 8 pm, dinnertime.

My mom called for me, right on cue.

"I'll be down mom", I said back.

It sucks not being able mindlink until you're sixteen, and for me it's only in two months. Yay?

I went down the stairs to the kitchen. I took my plate and told my mom I won't be able to eat with them today. Everyone understood that it was one of those days where I missed Jay.


Later that night, I shot up and breathed heavily. Nightmare.

The same nightmare I've been having for the past 10 years.

A black wolf with a tint of brown keeps chasing and playing with me. Then a rabbit appears, it leaves me then goes to that rabbit to play with it. A hunter then comes my way, injects me with wolfsbane and slices my head off with an axe.

I then took a glass of water on my nightstand and drank all of it.
I went back to sleep with an uneasy feeling in my stomach. I shrugged it off and fell into deep sleep.

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