Bye Jay

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9 Years Later ( June)

I tiptoed to Jay's room with balloons, a present and a cupcake.

"Happy birthday Jay Jay! Happy birthday Jay,happy birthday my Prince. Happy birthday soon-to-be alpha!",  I sang.

"Lani, come here.",  Jay said while opening his arms.

I put everything on his nightstand and hugged him. I kissed him on his cheek. I gave him the cupcake and present.

He ate the cupcake in split seconds.

"How does it feel to be 15 Jay Jay?", I asked.

His smile dropped and he frowned. He took my hand and gestured me to stand up. I stood up and he led me to the other side of the room where all the albums are.

We sat on the couch and he took out our childhood album.

"Lani, you're my princess, my best friend and you're the apple of my eye.",  he said.

I smiled and hugged him.

He opened the album and I immediately fell ecstatic .

"Jay Jay! When we were one.", I said.

He chuckled and kissed my forehead. A trait from childhood he does when his happy.

We continued to go through the album. We shed two or three tears. Okay a lot.

"Lani, I'm going to miss you, I really am. But I have to go to Alpha Training School. I will surely come back after year. I know I'm going to miss your fifteenth birthday. So that's the reason why I bought you an early birthday gift.",  he said.

He jogged to his lower drawer and he shuffled through it.

"uh-huh, found it. ", he said.

"Lani, here princess, or should I say my Cinderella?", Jay said handing me a black box.

"What's in here Jay?",  I asked him.

"Open it Lani", he said happily.

I open the box and there before my eyes was a shiny bracelet.

" Oh my goodness, Jay it's beautiful. ", I said jumping.

"Analyse it Lani.", he said.

I looked at the bracelet properly and it was written Love Your Prince -JJ

I couldn't hold the tears anymore.
I felt my right cheek getting stained then my left.

He held me and I sobbed on him.

"Jay, I will miss you.",  I said wiping my tears.

He hugged me once more.

"Jay, it's good that when you return you'll find your mate. And you'll be happy once more.",  I told him.

"Lani, I wish you-", he said getting interrupted.

"Jason, honey, your driver is here.", Luna told Jay.

"Aww Naylani, I know you're going to miss your best friend. I know it's hard but you have to let him do what's his supposed to. You and I will surely console each other. Jason, come everyone's waiting to bid you goodbye.",  Luna said sadly.

I took his two duffel bags and he took the rest of his bags and we went outside to the SUV and we put everything in the trunk.

Alpha Jackson hugged his son,how sweet.
Luna Elise hugged her son dearly.
He went to hug my dad, the beta and my mom.

He stopped in front of me and he didn't hesitate to hug for dear life. I shed a few tears and when I looked up I saw that his eyes had tears.

Jay looked into my eyes and kissed my forehead. He played with my hair and chuckled.

"I'm going to miss you Lani, you and your hair.",  he said genuinely.

He got into the SUV and went off.
We all waved; me, his parents, my parents and the whole pack.

Bye Jay Jay

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