I Miss You

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Jason's POV

I miss Lani so much. I miss playing with her, eating ice-cream in the morning with sprinkles and cherries. I miss going to our secret spot and protecting from her nightmares.

Lani keeps dreaming about a black Wolf with a tint of light brown on the right eye. My father and Lani's father, the Beta assume it has something to do with her future considering that no one in the pack fits the description of the wolf.

I miss you Lani

Naylani POV

I shot up breathing fast with sweat dripping down my forehead.

"Jay!" I called out.

Oh no- Jay Jay is not here. I screamed out for my mother holding onto my teddy bear that Jason gifted me for my 5th birthday when the nightmares began.

My mom came rushing in my room with a glass of water. The wiped my forehead with a cloth and whispered soothing words.

I went down on my knees and prayed to God. My mom always taught me that prayer is important.

One Week Later

Daddy told me that Jay, Alpha and Luna are coming back today before midday. So momma and I were in the kitchen with the Omegas 'preparing a feast' - heard it from momma.

Momma and I were baking a chocolate cake with sprinkles and cherries on top because Jay Jay likes to eat them with me.

After decorating the cake. I ran to my room picked out a pink dress with sandals. I wore my clothes and shoes and looked in the mirror and saw how bouncy my curls were today. Oh well, Jay likes playing with my curls and then I end up sleeping.

I went outside and waited for Jay, Alpha and Luna with momma and daddy. I had the cake in my hand. I was so excited to see them

20 minutes later

Daddy you said they'll be here before midday. It's now late.

"Wait a little longer daddy's princess.",  my dad said.

" Okay daddy.", I said.

45 minutes later

"Daddy I'm tired. I'll be back soon."

I went to Jay Jay's and I secret spot by the cave. The is a waterfall near the cave we sit in.
I went towards the river flowing and sat down. I threw stones in the river as I missed Jay Jay.

I stopped throwing stones and I started to fall asleep. I thought of lying here down for a few minutes of a nap.

I heard a stone being thrown in the river and I screamed, I turned around and saw it was Jay.

"Jay Jay!",  I squealed.
"Lani, I missed you.",  he said.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and we both giggled and he kissed my forehead.

"Jay! I made cake with momma wanna eat it?",  I asked him.

He nodded. With no hesitation I grabbed his hand in mine and we ran to the kitchen.

I took out slices of the cake and put it on one plate.
Jay poured juice in our favourite glass and put in two straws in it.

We went to the garden tables.
We sat there and ate

" Jay do you like it? ", I asked.

"yes I do Lani.", he replied.

"Lani, can I play with your hair. Please Lani.", Jay asked.

"Yes pwease Jay. I want to take a nap. Make me sleep pwease Jay Jay.", I said.

"I will Lani.",  he said.

Jay played with my hair and I fell asleep right then and there.

I missed you Lani, you and your hair.

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