Training part 2(full)

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I dashed into the deep woods as fast as I can. I zigzagged through trees and left my scent on trees by rubbing on trees every 5 second.

Then a great idea popped, I then scrapped my wrist and left small droplets of my blood on the dirt , I dashed to my right and left blood there, I realised my time was up when I heard noise.

I ran to the left side and ran as fast as I can. I came across the river and swam a bit, that would subside my scent for a while. I ran to the right of the river and rested a bit, Jay won't find me so easy, I thought.

I heard the sound of tree leaves crushing. I instantly became alert ,I moved closer to the sound as slowly as I could. I saw a male and a... female. They were both hiden by a big tree.

I moved a bit closer towards them and tried to peep at what's happening but I couldn't get a better view of them.

What hit me the most is why they are together during the activity Michael gave us or maybe they planned it beforehand to be the winners of this activity but why didn't they report back to Michael? Something is truly fishy.

I gave up on being discreet, so I went straight to the and screamed my lungs out at what I saw .

They were probably shocked as Michael fell on top of the girl whose face was hidden by Michael's body.

"Michael?! What are you doing here with her? ", I asked out of confusion.

"I-I-I " was all that came out of his mouth.

"Don't just stutter, tell me the truth, now."

"Michael get off me, please. " the girl begged.

Wait, isn't that Emily's voice? It sounds so familiar.

"Emily? Emily?  Get up now!" I said out loud.


Emily is cheating on Jay! What is this? Jay doesn't deserve this!

I immediately ran back to my room without anyone noticing me. Jay's mother came in.

"Luna Elise" I bowed my head.

Luna came and sat on my bed next to me and hugged me motherly.

"What's bothering you, my beautiful child? " she said while fixing my hair.

"I saw something horrific during the activity Michael gave us. To cut the long story short- Emily is cheating on Jay with Michael. Luna, I request you to please do something. If Jay finds out, I don't know if he'll be able to handle the truth. " I said with tears running down my cheeks.

I deeply care and love Jason and no one could disagree nor deny it. I always did and wouldn't want anything to harm not hurt him. I felt his pain on his behalf. It felt real like a stab to my heart.

"Okay, wait and watch how I will make them confess on their own. I want them to repent and realise their mistake in all this. " Luna was always humble and delicate in her actions. She did things gracefully yet in a smart way.

"Wake up early tomorrow, my child." Luna said while heading out of the door.

"Okay, Luna. Goodnight."


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