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As I was starring into basically nothing I heard a twig snap.

I immediately became fully aware and cautious about my surroundings

I heard more twigs snapping and leaves crushing.

I got ahold of a long branch that fell off sometime back. I held it up and waited for the person to show up. I figured the person was 30 meters away, thanks to my werewolf heightened senses.

As the person was getting closer, I caught a familiar scent.


He then immersed from the trees. He began to laugh so hard, I thought he might choke.

"What are you laughing at Jay?", I asked.

"That thi-thing, bran-branch in your hand",  he said in between laughs.

I giggled at myself too.

"Hey, defence is key.",  I said to justify myself.

He finally looked around him. I saw his eye twitch, which told me he's holding back tears.

He finally got ahold of himself and walked closer and closer to the point were I felt his breath was beating on my neck.

I then two steps back. I think he saw hurt on his face but he masked it fast enough before I could confirm my assumption.

He scratched his neck and looked down.

Why is Jay so nervous? He's never nervous around me.

I folded my arms waiting for what seems like eternity for him to speak up since well he interrupted my me time although it's our favourite secret spot.

He finally decide to look up.

"Lani, I'm here to properly say hi." he said. He came and gave me a hug like the old times and kissed my forehead while playing with my hair. I lightly giggled at the feeling of him play with my hair.

I missed it.

He pulled back and held my shoulders and looked into my eyes with seriousness.

"Also to tell you something." He said.

I looked into his eyes and and prepared my ears for whatever I'm about to hear.

I was too into it, what can I say? Curiosity got the best of me.

As he was about to continue we heard a child screaming.

Since well it runs in our DNA.
We immediately looked at each other and said, "threat"  in unison.

We both took off running with the determination to save the child.

Although I haven't had my shift and Wolf I could still use my werewolf genes to push myself harder to keep up with Jay.

We came to a holt near a tree and walk around it slowly trying not to add fuel to fire.

We then saw a young boy comforting the little girl.

I hope they turn out to be mates one day.

Jay and I looked at each other with amusement probably remembering the old times we spent together.

I turned my head to the direction of the pack house to indicate to him that let's leave them alone for some time.

He hesitated but I squinted and he gave up and followed my instruction.

I nudged him and he looked at me.

"Remember when we were like that? You used to get mad when people disturbed us when you were comforting me." I said.

He pulled my closer to him and whispered, "Is that the only reason you said we must leave?" he asked.

I nodded my head and he whispered again, "Our epitome"

I knew right there and then that he was talking about our bond.

I smiled at him and he smiled back.

I walked back to the pack house with my best friend

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