Don't mind me

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I have been preparing snacks for everyone for the return of our soon to be Alpha.
Every pack member was excited, no doubt.

There is this feeling that you can't explain every time an Alpha is groomed and about his position, one of the elders explained.

I got everything on the two trays in my hands and I walked by while people took snacks as I passed them around.

Jay was with my dad and his dad, probably telling them about his mate. Must be nice, I thought.

On that note, I went to look for Emily everywhere yet I couldn't seem to find her.

I went to where Jay was before yet he was nowhere to be seen.

I went upstairs straight to Jay's room. I didn't bother to knock. I twisted the the doorknob and opened the door.

My mouth literally was shaped like an 'o'.

I regretted everything in me at that moment. I felt as though I am invading something only two people should experience, whether some alone time to talk or to even hold hands, but this time was different.

Jay was lying on the bed with his hands behind his head and legs crossed . Emily had a towel trapped around her body heading for the shower.

Isn't that what people do after dadun-dadun?

Beside the bed was a pile of clothes. I mentally face - palmed myself.

"My goodness! Please don't mind me. I'll close the door and leave.", I said

"No, come in.", they said in unison.

I shook my head no and closed the door. Why didn't I knock when I perfectly know that Jay has a mate and they'll obviously be busy.

I rushed downstairs and sat down amongst teenage pack members, mostly girls as they whined about them not being Jay's mate.

Luck is not on your side,ladies.

I got up as I was annoyed about their whining. Every girl wished for an Alpha mate, it was never the beta or even the Alpha's best friend. I learned that such positions are naturally in your blood. If you don't hold a royal nor a leader aura and posture then you'll probably never be one.

I went out of the pack house to the beautiful forest leading me to the river and cave. I have grown to appreciate this place for what it is once Jason left for the Alpha training. It wasn't the trees and soil that made it so special but the memories it held of him.

I sat there wondering how Emily could have found me disrespectful for just showing up, I'd be unhappy too if the roles were reversed.

I stripped down my clothes and was left with my bra and underwear.

I dove inside the river as it was big having a waterfall to it.

I swam around until I was satisfied. I then got out and ran through the forest to dry myself up. Call me dumb but it works.

I then stopped at the cave to wear my clothes. I sat in there and basically zoned out starring into the sky unbothered

I wish I had a mate

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