Inside Job

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The sound of someone knocking on my door woke me up. I looked at my clock and it read 8am ,I groaned out loud.

I stood up and opened my door. There was no one. I looked down and I found breakfast on a tray. I took it, closed the door and sat on my bed.

I reached for my pancake with whip cream and strawberries and suddenly I saw a pink note beside my juice.

"Meet me at our spot, Mate"

I couldn't stop smiling. I indulged in my breakfast and started getting cleaned up and fresh for my mate.
Unknown POV

"I heard Alpha Jason telling the omegas to prepare a delightful picnic basket for him and his mate. They are going to the cave, I think it's time we enforce our plan.

Today! " ,I told my brother.

I went to town in a rush to get my mate, Lani , a gold necklace with her name on to indicate she's mine and mates with an Alpha. It's a custom every Alpha follows .

I had spent more time in that Jewelry store than I intended.

I pressed on the accelerator to get to Lani on time.

I hope.

I stepped out of the pack house straight to the woods. I walked through the forest to the cave. I sat next to waterfall and kept on wondering where my mate is.

I sensed a figure behind me, before a could get a glimpse of who this person is, a cloth that smelled awful was put on my nose. I felt dizzy and tired.
Then I blacked out.
I woke up being chained up to a pole. I looked around and saw tents and small fire probably from the day before.

I wiggled the chain and hissed.
"Damn it! "


"There's no point in trying, sugar. " an unfamiliar voice said.

The man immersed from the tent nearby and stood a few meters away. He had jet black hair, five o'clock look and black eyes. He wore shorts and a shirt that clung to him. He was lean, okay, and tall too but what surprised me is that he didn't smell like a werewolf but a... a... a human!

What's going on here?

"Who are you? ", I asked the man.

"Your soon to be lover. "

As soon as I turned the engine off, I sped to the woods, into the forest straight to the cave.

All I could see is that picnic basket I had asked for. I caught a whiff of Lani's scent near the waterfall. I dashed there and found nothing, nada, zilch!

"Lani! "
"My princess, where are you? "

I went to the Eastern part of the pack to check the security and the guards.

"Alpha, " Aaron, Thompson and Jackie said while bowing.

"Where is my mate? " , I asked out of frustration.

"Sir, Naylani", Thompson confirmed.

Aaron nudged Thompson .

"I mean Luna Naylani? ", he corrects himself.

I nod my head and they both shake they heads to say they know nothing.

I shifted into my black wolf and mindlinked my father.

"Father, Lani is missing. "

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