That Scent

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I woke up to people shouting and cheering. The odds were not on my side because of my werewolf heightened senses.

I checked my clock and saw it was 13:45. It was early for me, yes, I wake up around 2pm or 3pm. Everyone has a problem with it but they'll deal with it, is what I always say.

I pulled the duvet off of me and sat on the edge of the bed while checking my social media. I was laughing at a post until I landed on the floor with an oomph.
Damn it!

I got up and headed to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth. I scrubbed my face, washed it, put a refreshing toner and moisturised it.

I ran water and poured my scented oils, bath bomb and my aloe vera oil. Yes, your girl likes to go all out with her bathing.

I opened the Spotify app and put the songs on shuffle, the best way to listen to music.

I washed my body nice and clean until I was satisfied.

I took the towel I had in my bathroom and dried myself.

I got out of the bathroom into my closet. I first lotioned up and put on my underwear.

I picked out simple clothes, a French pink skater dress with brown sandals.

I sprayed my curls and ruffled them. No hard sweat with having curls.

I put on deodorant and a perfume here and there.

I made my bed and opened the curtains and windows.

Why is today refreshing? I feel happy

I then opened my door and got out. I descended down the stairs.

"Mom, I'm done. We can go out for lunch.", I said out aloud.

"Mom! I'm waitin-",

I looked at everyone being crowd from the kitchen to the living room.

No wonder my mom didn't hear me.

I patted on girl on her back, getting her attention I asked her,

"Why is everyone crowded here?", I asked.

"Haven't you heard, seen or smelled?", she asked me.

"He's back.", she added.

I looked at her and shook my head.

Who could possibly be back?
I walked passed through everyone.

As I got closer and closer. I caught onto something.

That scent. I know that scent.


"Jay!", I screamed.

"Jason, you're back!", I said out loud.

Everyone's head turned towards my direction.

I ran through everyone and stopped in front of him.

I gave him a bone-crushing hug.
He hugged me back tighter.

He's back.

I caught an unfamiliar scent.

He found his mate!

"Omg Jay, why didn't you tell me you found your mate, huh?", I asked.

He raised his eyebrows and squinted.

"What do you mean Lani?", he asked me.

"Jay, I caught an unfamiliar scent on you.", I told him

"Oh, you mean Emily?", he said.

I looked at him blankly.

He stepped aside and there was a
Blonde, very pretty. She wore shorts and a tank top paired with converse shoes.

"Come here, you are my best friend's mate. You're lucky!", I said hugging her.

Jason's POV

Emily looked me whilst Lani was hugging her.

I just shrugged my shoulders.

Why does Lani think Emily is mate. It can't be. Moreover, I'll only find my mate in a months time when I'm sixteen. I have to tell her.

I don't want to ruin her mood now because it's the first time I'm talked and seen her since I left for the Alpha Training School.

People must be wondering how I got out so early. I'll save that for later.

Now let me greet everyone.
I appreciate the reads so far.

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