The Breakup...

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"Carrie, I found her. She's at the lake. It's raining. Pick her up." I hung up the phone. My hands gripped the steering wheel as I continued eyeing the white figure beside the lake. Suddenly she crumpled into a heap of whiteness against the green grass. I almost got of my car to check up on her but strained myself from doing so. She needs to learn this lesson. She was 18, too young to understand the hurt she has caused everyone. She will pull herself through. There are many who still love her. I thought. My vibrating phone made me glance away from the slumped woman beside the lake. I answered the phone.

"Darling, when will you come pick me up?" A soft weak voice came through. My grip tightened. My eyes looked up again to where Dawn was still slumped by the lake. The rain was heavier. Then I saw a black car stopped in front of me. Carrie rushed out, glanced over me angrily and scanned the lake. She was followed by my best friend, Lawrence. Carrie saw Dawn and started running. Lawrence followed suit. I started the car and drove away.

My footstep rang as I stride into the building. I past the rows of room and walked directly into the VIP room. I stopped in front of a corner room for a few moments and took a deep breathe. I opened the door to reveal a beautiful, red-headed but pale woman on the bed. She opened her eyes and she smiled when she saw me.

"Darling..." She whispered weakly; I sat down beside the bed and hugged her.

* * *


"Dawn... honey. Wake up." I was cold, so cold. I was drowning into the dark abyss. Suddenly, I was pulled out. I opened my eyes and met green eyes full of concern. I wanted to speak but nothing came out. I was too hoarse from all the crying and screaming. I swallowed painfully. I was in the car and the car was moving.

Carrie draped a shawl around my bare shoulder. The car stopped and a few moments later my passenger door opened. Lawrence picked me out of the car. Carrie hurriedly unlocked the door to my house. Lawrence entered the house, Carrie gestured to the master bedroom. Lawrence then set me down gently on my bed. Then I felt a soft kiss on my forehead. I looked up to see my best friend smiled sadly at me.

"Dawn honey, I will be in the kitchen." She quietly exited the room. I looked around. I saw the packed luggage beside the bed. Ready for the honeymoon to Bali. Tears clouded my vision, tears streamed down my cheeks again. I was so tired. I slowly stood up. I lost my shoes somewhere. I don't know where, nor do I care. I slowly pushed open the bathroom door. I stepped inside. I came face to face with someone that I did not recognize. I glanced at the young woman in the mirror. It was a surprise that the veil was intake on her hair. Tear stained eyes with streak of mascara, smudged lipstick on her lips and as she turned out the lips she saw the small wound caused by the rough, one and only time she was ever kissed by a man. For a few minutes she just stared back at me. Eyes, full of hurt and confusion. She scanned her dress through the mirror. It was torn in some places but like the veil was still holding up. Who are you? She whispered.

* * *

It has been a week now. The rains had come and go and again today it came. I sat staring out the window in a soft blue sweater paired with a long cream cotton pants. My mind now numbed. My hot chocolate cold and untouched on the table in front of me, the house was quiet. Carrie left some hours ago with Lawrence. My fingers traced my lips. Loneliness crept into me. I really felt alone now. My hopes to be Mrs. Alec Anders have completely gone away when he walked out the door. I missed him so much despite everything that happened that day.

"My fault..."I whispered to myself as I cried soundlessly. Without realizing it exhaustion and stress took over and I gave in to the darkness.

* * *


"My fault..." I heard her whispered. It was full of regret and sadness. Everything became quiet. I open the door wider and noticed that she was sleeping her head leaning against the head rest of the couch next to the window. Her hot chocolate untouched, cold. I was still angry with her but seeing her vulnerability guilt crept into my heart as I recalled clearly what I pointed out to her that day. She snuggled closer as I carried her to the bed and placed her gently on the bed. She loses a lot of weight, I thought worriedly as I noticed that she barely made any dent at all on her soft bed. She curled to the side as if in pain. I closed my eyes for a moment. Guilt deepened into my heart.

Even in her sleep she was crying. This beautiful young lady who almost became my wife made me want to join her in the big bed and pulled her close to me. I wanted to tell her that everything is alright and we can start from the beginning, but in reality I would not be able to do so. I have known Dawn since she was small. She was an only child as I was. I was seven years older than she was but that did not stop us from being friends. She was the sweetest little girl I have known my whole life. When she was six and I was thirteen, one day when I was busy building a volcano for my Science project, she looked up from her colouring, lying flat on her front.

"Alec..." she called. I turned my head to her. She sat up and a serious expression came to her face.

"I love you." She said simply. She looked down to her colouring, picked up her pencil colour and laid on her front to continue her colouring once more. I smiled.

"I love you too, pretty girl." I replied. She looked up and gave me a very adorable smile and muttered.

"When I grow up to be a beautiful girl, I am going to marry you." I could only laugh and thought how funny and cute she was then. It never occurred to me that she 'really' wanted to marry me. Oh I noticed her alright. She bloomed so suddenly when she reached her 16th birthday. Coming down from the stairs with her long straight blond her, lightly made up face, pink sparkly gloss on her lips and... For the first time I noticed her without a trace of her baby fats. I literally gulp down when I looked at the dress she was wearing. A maroon strappy dress with a sweetheart neckline. Her soft cleavage tantalising my eyes into sweet imagination. My eyes travelled down to her legs. My eyes widened. The hem of her skirt was at least two inches above her knees. She was already attracting interested glances from some of the invited school friends. At that time I wanted to shield her from the world. I wanted so much to order her back to her room to change into a pair of lose cotton pants and baggy t-shirt. That night I went around giving strict warning to all the boys to keep their hands to themselves. I even decked a boy who was determined. She never knew this happened. I stayed away from home for a while as on several occasions I almost lose control. She would come bounding to the house whenever I came home and gave me hugs and sat on my lap. I shook my head to clear me off the memories.

I pulled her blanket up her chest. I stoop low and kissed her forehead. I have to leave now. I open the bedroom door and pulled my luggage along with me.

"Alec..."I froze, thinking I woke her up. I turned and scanned her sleeping face.

"Alec..."She mumbled in her sleep. My heart tugged and I took a step into the room but stop again as I remembered what she did to me and how close she was to destroy my girlfriend's life because of her lie. I gripped my luggage and stepped out of the bedroom and away from the three bedroom house she owned.

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