5 Years Later...

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"When are you coming home?" Carrie's voice was in the verge of panic. I looked at my watch and noted that I had approximately 40 minutes left to board the plane I was to take to Japan. I grimaced as I tapped on the shoulder of the cab driver who was taking me to the airport. I gestured for him to speed up. He smiled and nodded.

"Dawn... hello?" Carrie's voice was cracking.

"Carrie, please don't worry. I will be home." I said.

"When?" She asked.

"A day... before the wedding."I answered hesitantly. I know she was not going to like this.

"What?!" She shouted into the phone. I pulled the phone away from my ear. She was blabbing panic all through and when she stopped for a while I quickly spoke.

"Honey, I will be leaving for Japan in about 40 minutes. I was called in the last minute to do some book signing in Japan. I will only be there for two days and will fly directly home." I said. She was literally crying into the phone.

"I will be home before the wedding, I promise you." I assured her.

* * *

I looked out the waiting room window and noticed it started drizzling. In a week time, it will be exactly 5 years since I left my past behind. In those five years, I went to finish my degree in literature, wrote five books, completed graduate school and wrote another two books. I was lucky that my publisher loved my first book and from then on I travelled, never stopping in one place long enough to get to know the people. Despite being a best seller romance author, I was still insecure. Still very much scarred by my past experience. I went out a few times but never for long. Alec... his name flitted into my mind unconsciously. I recoiled from the pang of hurt I could still feel. I sighed as I shook my head, trying to clear my mind off the past.

* * *

"Hello." Carrie's voice came through the phone.

"Honey, please do not panic or be angry. I am an hour delayed. Don't come to the airport. I will come straight for dinner." I said.

"What?! But... will you be able to make it?" She asked.

"I will." I said confidently.

* * *

"Damn!" I muttered. It was raining heavily and the traffic was slow. I would be late for dinner. After the airport, I checked into a hotel and showered at speed. I pulled a long sleeve, soft pink, pencil dress with a black mini belt. The wide shoulder-neckline and just above knee high skirt made me look slim and feminine. I put on natural look make up and comb my now pixie cut hair to the side and hurriedly put on my black three inches strappy heels, grabbed my coat and rushed out to the waiting cab driver. I gave him the address and he sped off.

10 minutes later I was in front of Carrie's parents' home. For a moment I was on the verge of panic. It has been five years. I reminded myself. I took a deep breath and push the doorbell. I pasted a ready smile on my face. The door almost open immediately. Lawrence pulled me into a huge bear hug.

"You look beautiful Dawn." He complimented. I hugged him back and thanked him. He took my coat and ushered me to the dining room. He opened the door and I could see Carrie jumping to her feet with a squeal and soon I was also in her arms. She was laughing and crying at the same time.

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