Love Sickness

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She just went to the bathroom. She looked so pale despite the make-ups she wore for dinner. If I knew she would be there for dinner I would not have brought Bianca, my company's product manager, with me. My gaze fell to Bianca who was answering some questions from Lawrence. Yes, I am considering a steady relationship with her as she could understand the stress that I get through every day. Is that reason enough? Love? Hmmp... didn't work well with me. As if sensing my gaze, Bianca looked over and smiled. She was beautiful that I could not help but smile back at her. She turned back to Lawrence and their conversation resume. I could feel Lawrence's assessing look at the both of us. I felt prickles of awareness at the nape of my neck and turned. Carrie was standing at the doorway, with an uneasy expression on her face. Something like... hurt... crossed her face and she took a deep breath and pasted a smile that did not reach her eyes. Her arms went around Lawrence's neck as she sat on his lap. Lawrence encircled his wife's slim waist smiling tenderly at her. I coughed. Briefly Lawrence looked at me before looking up at his wife again.

"Is everything okay darling?" Lawrence asked his wife. My brow knitted uneasily as I witnessed the looks exchange between them. Something was not right... something was not right with Dawn. My heart jolted. Was she sick? At that moment Carrie turned her head towards me but was a bit startled at my scrutiny that she only gave me a brief smile and returned her gaze to her husband.

"She is asleep..." She informed him almost in whisper. I stood up. I could not take it anymore. My heart was already racing. Out of my clouded worry mind a hand stopped me from dashing upstairs to check on dawn. I looked down at the hand on my elbow. Bianca was looking at me with surprise and with questioning eyes.

"I will be right back." I released her hand on my elbow and I turned to Carrie. Her eyes widen as she tried shaking her head. That made me tense even more. I moved, taking the stairs two at a time.

"Alec! Alec! Alec, please!" Carrie managed to grasp my arm. I turned towards her searching her face.

"What's wrong with her?" I asked almost rather angrily. Carrie's grip on my arm tightened and she took a deep breath as if trying to strain herself.

"She is... alright." She answered unconvincingly. I was more than determined now to see her.

"Which room is she Carrie?" Carrie shook her head but the look on my eyes stopped her and she involuntarily glanced at the door at the far end of the hall way. I spun around and stride towards the door. My hands on the handle when Carrie's words stopped me almost pleadingly.

"Please Alec... be gentle with her. She... she is not really well... I mean..." My heart was going to burst if I waited any longer. I almost pushed the door forcefully and stumbled into the room.

My eyes adjusted to the dim lamp light next to the bed. My eyes immediately landed on the figure. She was under the cover... asleep. Her face was as white as paper. Even her lips were pale. I almost thought she was dead by looking at her unmoving figure except for the slight movement of her gentle chest. She was so fragile that I was almost too scared to touch her lest she crumbles at my touch. I was a bit relieved when she responded by leaning into my touch. I breathed to calm myself but before I could do so, her eyes suddenly opened that I was surprised. Briefly her eyes meet mine before she desperately crawled out of the bed and literally flew to the bathroom. At first I thought maybe she was disgusted with me and wants to stay away from me. Seconds later all my thoughts were forgotten as I hear her retching in the bathroom.

I rushed to the bathroom and saw her arms bracing at the mouth of the toilet bowl as she spewed whatever was left from dinner into the toilet. For once I could not ask her any questions; maybe I was too scared of the answers that I might get. I knelt by her side and patted her back as she retched painfully. After a few minutes, she literally sagged. Cold sweat plastered her hair to her face. I sat on the floor and pulled her into my arms. Without even realizing it I felt tears rolled down my cheeks. Dashing away my worry tears, I glanced over at the doorway and saw Dawn, Lawrence and a surprise Bianca just watching us. I did not care anymore about anything or anyone. Dawn was too precious. I finally admitted. I have my white flag up high. If anything happened to her I don't think I can go on. I shook my head and continued to sit with her cradled on my chest.

* * *

"I am so sorry Bianca." I said as I ushered her to the door. Bianca turned and stared me in the eyes for a long while, saying nothing.

"She is the reason then." She stated with a surprising understanding. I nodded. I don't know why but I felt scared and very nervous after I have finally given in to my feelings. It was lightening but at the same time I was a total mess. I still do not have the answer to her condition as Carrie and Lawrence kept a tight lip by retreating to the room. It was not helping one bit.

"I am also very sorry that I cannot leave here now. My driver is outside to take you home." She smiled almost bitterly but understandingly. I opened the door for her and saw the driver waiting patiently. A few moments later I returned to the room. I released my tie when I noticed that the bed was empty. My eyes went to the direction of the bathroom when I see her leaning against the sink, trying to rinse her mouth. I rushed over and she looked up. Her eyes filled with tears.

"I am so tired..." She muttered weakly and I felt my heart stumbled looking at her pain. I picked her up and carried her to the bed. I wiped her face with a wet towel and moments later tucked her in bed. When she went back into restless slumber I proceeded on packing her things into her suitcase. I have decided that she was going home with me tonight. A slight smile appeared on my lips when I think of her sleeping on my bed. Tomorrow we are going to have a long talk and end both of our suffering. My hands worked faster.


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