Sharing my Secret...

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I picked up the phone for the tenth times but my finger froze when I tried to press the numbers. Doubt clouded my mind. I put the phone down again and leant into the couch. I rolled my eyes and close them with a deep sigh. Exhaustion swept into my body. I have not been able to sleep well for a few nights and those sleepless nights are finally catching up with me. I sighed and gently rubbed my still flat abdomen. I was almost asleep when a soft knock made me open my eyes. Carrie stood at the door watching me silently. I smiled and motioned for her to come in.

"I am sorry if I woke you up honey." She sat down on the couch opposite me. It has been almost over two months since I knew that I was going to be a mother. I wanted the piece of news to settle with me first and it took me almost over two months to convince myself that I should let Carrie know about my condition and also think of a way on how to relate this news to Alec.

"I am just tired because of the late flight I took to come back here." I replied. I pulled up my legs and hugged myself. Carrie scanned my face and her brows knitted worriedly together.

"Dawn, are you alright?" She asked with concern. My eyes met hers instantly.

"Why do you asked?" I asked her back.

"Honey, you look more than tired. You look so exhausted that I fear you might be down with an illness or something." She reached out and took hold of my hands. I smiled at her. I just thank my lucky stars that I do not suffer from any morning sickness so far. My doctor told me I am one of the lucky ones but had also reminded me that I might go through that morning sickness a bit later than usual.

"Carrie, I have something to share with you." Her look of concern deepens and I shook my head softly. I took a deep breath and stood up. I walked to my bed and sat down.

"What is it Dawn?" She urged.

"Carrie... I... I..." Her eyebrows lifted expectantly. "I... am pregnant." I said. Her eyes widen and her mouth formed a huge 'O'. It was comical but I did not feel like laughing.

"Pre... pre... pregnant?" Carrie started fanning herself vigorously. Her cheeks reddened and she stood up and started to pace back and forth.

"How? When? Who?" The questions started coming in. I stretched my hands toward her. She immediately took my hands. I pulled her to sit down next to me on the bed.

"How? I am still trying to answer that, but my doctor said it can happen especially if I am a healthy woman." I explained.

"But... who? Who is the father?" She enquired. We stared at each other for a long while.

"" I stammered. Once again her eyes widen and her jaw dropped.

"Alec? Alec Masters?" She repeated.

* * *

"Dawn!" Carried walked into the study where I was sat in front of my laptop for about more than three hours now according to the clock on the wall on my left. I looked up from the chapter I was having some problem with.

"Hi... how was your shopping?" I greeted her.

"Forget about the shopping... Alec is coming for dinner." She blurted out.



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