The Happy Married Couple

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You were happy, Dirk and you were sitting with the kids inside. Jade was playing with her new toy gun, while Dave was reading about robots in the corner, while you and Dirk were sitting on the couch in each others company.

You had been married for four years, engaged two and dating four, it had been the best ten years of your life. But you knew, you knew this all wasn't real, but it didn't change how wonderful it had been. You know that Dirk knows as well, you told him.

This is all a dream. Well, to be more specific, a coma dream.

You remember your life before this, you had three friends Jane, Roxy and Dirk. You had a Grandmother who has passed away, and you lived on a deserted island. You remember falling off that cliff.

Then, after that, Dirk was waiting for you. After a week or so, he admitted his feelings, you guys got a house together, mostly for the fact you needed a place to stay, and you guys dated for four years, then he got down on one knee and asked for you to get engaged.

Two years later, you told him about how it's all fake, and you still enjoy this, you'd rather this, you love him and everything he's ever done for him. After that, a week later, you got married. You adopted Jade and Dave a year after, and they are currently six.

The only thing is you have been paralyzed mid-thigh down the whole time. You haven't been able to walk, always wheeling along. You don't even remember what it feels like to walk. But all you can think of now is that you can sit, and watch, and be happy with your new family.

"Dirk, you know i wouldn't trade you for the world, correct?" You ask, leaning further into his side. He smiles down to you and kisses your forehead.

"Of course, i wouldn't give you up if it costed my life. Talking about that, do you ever think you'll wake up? I mean like, get out of this dream, and leave me behind? With the kids?" Dirk asks sadly. He always asks this.

"I'm afraid i think it might. By the feeling of it, i think it may be very soon, but i just want to make the best of what we have here. I don't want to wake up if i'll be leaving you, and Jade, Dave and mostly this life we've made" You feel tears leak down your face.

"How soon do you think? Should we do something special soon, just to say goodbye?" Dirk asks. Just after this sentence comes out, you feel it, you feel the cold bed, the beeping.

"I think i might be waking up now" You frown. He sits there for a second. "Hey, Jade, Dave, could you come here for a second?" You ask, voice weak and frail.

"Yes papa? What's wrong? You're crying" Jade crawls into your lap. "Yeah, what's wrong dad?" Dave sits in Dirks.

"I want you two to know, if i'm gone, i'll always be back, i'll always love you, and i'll always think you are worth the universe and beyond. Gosh, just say you won't forget me?" You ask.

"Of course dad! Why would we?" Jade asks sadly, gripping to your arm. "Dad? What's wrong? We love you too, right, Jade?" Dave says, gripping into your other arm. Jade nods harshly.

You hear talking, and it's not these three. "Nothing is wrong, my darlings. Just, i feel like i might be leaving soon, and not coming back for quite some time" You feel tears leak down your face and drip onto your chest.

You grip to them both, and in a second, they're both gone, your children, your babies, the kids you raised for oh so long. You look to Dirk, he's crying as well. You turn to him, you wrap your arms around his neck and place your nose against his.

"Please don't leave, we were going to get a dog, a Husky and maybe another for it to play with. We were going to go on holiday. It was nearly our anniversary. We had nearly been together for eleven years" Dirk cries, his face so close to your own.

"We were, but now, you're going to be gone. I will miss you so much, i will never forget, ever, i don't want to forget our wedding, the adoption agency, and mostly, the face of someone i love and they love me back, i don't think i'll ever find someone quite as perfect as you" You cry.

"What about real me? If you can manage to get him in your sights, and him in yours, you'll be fine. Just remember, i'm here" He puts a hand on your chest. "Not here" A hand on the back of your head. Pulling you forward to connect your lips for the last time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2016 ⏰

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