THREE||Festive Mall

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december 12, 1983Next thing she knew, she had said yes to go to the mall with Scott and Kurt, and was now walking with them through the well decorated shopping center

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december 12, 1983
Next thing she knew, she had said yes to go to the mall with Scott and Kurt, and was now walking with them through the well decorated shopping center. The entire way to the mall, Kurt had been talking about how great it was, making it out to be some sort of heaven.

The boys headed straight to the arcade with Cassandra following them blindly.

"Don't worry about money, Jubes has worked her magic on some of these machines so you don't have to pay, the owners never seemed to notice." Scott informed Cassandra with a smug expression on his face. She wondered how the two of them got money. They didn't have jobs, maybe Scott's parents send him money just like Cassandra's mom does. But she wasn't sure about Kurt, did he even have any parents?

After playing games in the arcade they got some slushies that Kurt could not stop talking about.
Scott and Cassandra were seated at a small table while Kurt was out and about, talking to a group of children about lord-knows-what.

"Not to be rude, but why did you want me to come with you guys?" Cassandra asked after taking a small sip from her cup. "As you can see Kurt loves meeting new people, he sees he new person, he sees a new friend." Scott explained looking at Cassandra untill his eyes drifted. Cassandra seemed to notice his shifting gaze through the dark red glasses, quickly she followed his gaze to find two people standing behind her. One of which she had already met.

"What are you guys doing here?" Scott asked.
"Well, I'm glad you asked. Someone thought it'd be fun to put on my goggles and that certain someone broke them. So now I have to get new ones." He said indirectly referring to the girl next to him. The girl had a white mohawk and was wearing baggy clothes, on someone else it would've looked horrible but somehow, she pulled it off.
"Stop being so dramatic." The girl spoke in a thick foreign accent. "Who is that, Scott?" The girl asked kind of rudely. "Oh, right. Ororo this is Cassandra, Cassandra this is Ororo, also called Storm." Scott introduced the two girls to each other. "Nice to meet you." Cassandra smiled. "You too." Ororo said.

'Storm'. Cassandra recognized that name.

"Wait, Storm? Aren't you one of the people who aided apocalypse a couple of months ago?" Cassandra asked out of the blue. "Yes." Ororo said reluctantly. "I helped too, you know... Well, I helped defeating him." Peter stated proudly. "Bashed him right in the snazz, then he broke my leg. It was awesome." Peter added, a sheepish grinn spread across his face. "Scott and Kurt were there aswell." Peter said and winked at his teammate Scott. "You have got to be kidding me!" Cassandra said not believing what Peter is saying. "Nah, I never joke about that kinda stuff, man." Peter with the same grinn still on his face. "You're the X-men!?" Cassandra said whilst turning back around to face Scott. "We are." He nodded. Cassandra could not believe it, she had heard so much about the X-men defeating apocalypse and about the original team from about 20 years ago.

Scott tried to fight the smile that was creeping on his face as he watched Cassandta's reaction.
Peter laughed and sped off leaving Ororo.
Only seconds later he returned with a new pair of goggles on his head.
"Did you even pay for those?" Cassandra asked, there was no way he could've paid for them in such a short amount of time.
"Yeaa.... no." Peter admitted and with that he took off with Ororo to god-knows-where.

"He's a kleptomaniac." Scott huffed.

"Do you mind going to the music store with me? I wanted to see if there are any new albums." Scott asked Cassandra after finishing their drinks. "Sure, what about Kurt?" She asked, standing up. "Ah, he'll find us." He shrugged lousily.

Music was playing loudly in the store called "ZioNeon". Scott quickly walked to a section where there were vinyl records. His fingers glided through several records until they stopped, Scott held up the record so that she could see it. "My favourite song!" Scott said happily. The record that he was holding up was 'I ran' by Flock of seagulls. "That's your favourite song? I would have taken you for more of a rock type." Cassandra giggled while Scott's smile faltered. "Well then, what's your favourite song?" Scott said whilst turning around and occupied himself with the record player behind him. "Back in black by ACDC." Cassandra smirked and looked at Scott who was putting the record in the record player. "Don't say that too loud or else Peter will fall in love with you." Scott said with a grin. "Excuse me?" Cassandra asked him confused, she did not get the joke at all. "Pete loves that kind of music, like really loves it." Scott said. "Well, I don't blame him, it's good music." She smiled at him.

Scott was struggling to get the record in the record player and it was very funny to look at. "You can also just put a tape in a stereo or walkman, you know." Cassandra said whilst leaning against a cupboard filled with music records. "No, I got this." Scott said while trying to play it cool, as he does.

Eventually the song started playing, Scott was still going through several records and showing them to Cassandra while both of them listened to Scott's favourite song. Being here in the music store while listening to music was very relaxing to both of them until Kurt bamfed into the store right next to Scott. both Cassandra and Scott jumped. Even though they just met, Cassandra already felt a connection between Scott and her starting to grow.

"Hello guys! We should probably go back to the school." Kurt said to them.

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