SIX||Stars and stories

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december, 13, 1983

That night they gave everyone cool names except for Jean, she wasn't sure yet. The group stayed in Jean's and Ororo's room past curfew. The professor probably didn't mind that they stayed up for once or he just didn't know.

The group chatted and had fun until the always energetic Kurt practically fell asleep on the floor. "I think it's time to go." Scott said and chuckled while waking Kurt up to go back to their dorm. Even Cassandra was tired even though she didn't feel like sleeping at all. Somehow she could tell that she would have that same exact dream again.

After helping Kurt get back in his room Jubilee drifted right off to sleep. Cassandra just sat down on her bed after she slipped into her pyjama. It was now 1 in the morning.

Cassandra decided to just go to the kitchen to get some warm milk, perhaps it would calm her mind down to give her a calmer dream. She softy closed the door behind her so she wouldn't wake up Jubilee.

In the hallways some of the lights were on to light up the dark night. She could see her own shadow on the ground but also the shadow of someone else. Immediately she turned around to see who the shadow belonged to. In the low light she could still see who it was.

"Stalking much, huh?" Cassandra whispered as she leaned against the wall. "Actually." He started, "I was going to see if you were okay, you still seemed a little startled from last night's nightmare." Scott said but once the words left his mouth he realised how weird it must have sounded.

"I wasn't really wanting to sleep tonight, anyway." She told him and smiled weakly. She really hated her power at some times. "You can go back to your room, I'm fine." She assured the boy who worried too much about others. "Not tired." He muttered as he shrugged. She just shrugged as well and walked to the kitchen, Scott just blindly followed her not knowing where to. Without her high heels she was considerably shorter than Scott. Scott had never even seen her without being all dolled up, honestly she still looked as pretty as always.

In the middle of the hallway she stopped walking causing Scott to almost bump into her.

"Actually, I want to show you something." She said with a bright smile to the boy who was staring at her like she was a treasures piece of art. She made a gesture for him to follow her through the halls in the midst of the night. "Be quiet" she whispered as she walked in a quick pace. After some time Scott felt like he had been walking up the staircases for forever but Cassandra seemed to be very determined to reach the very top of the mansion. They climbed until they reached to roof. The roof was pitch black seeing as it was the middle of the night.

Cassandra walked further on the roof until she was almost at the edge, it was only then when he realized that she had something in her hand. She carefully placed the object on the ground. As Scott got closer he saw that she had brought a candle to light up the night but it wasn't lit. "Why would you bring a candle if you don't have a lighter?" Scott asked her. "I was rather hoping that you would do the honours." She said as she handed Scott the candle. Scott lifted his glasses and carefully opened one of his eyes. A red beam lit up the night for only what seemed a tenth of a second. Now they were left with the dull light of a flame.

Cassandra sat down near the edge of the roof and her eyes scanned her surroundings, some of the lights in the garden were on which gave her a great view of the big garden. The water in the lake reflected the bright stars and the silhouettes of the trees, it was almost worth making a painting of.

Scott walked towards Cassandra and skidded down next to her. "Not to be rude, but why are we here?" He asked, their shoulders brushed against each other when he talked. "I like to watch the stars, figured you would like to see them too. I come here all the time when I have bad dreams." She told the boy who immediately looked up to the stars. "In the middle of the night?" Scott asked her. "Yes, I used to take walks to look at the stars but considering the fact that we're not allowed outside after 10, I come here." She told him never taking eye of the sky.

"You weren't afraid to be out there alone, in the dark?" Scott asked the girl, he seemed to only look at her instead of the stars. "I have loved the stars too fondly to be afraid of the dark." She told him making it sound like she had a star obsession, but who blamed her, stars were effortlessly beautiful.

Scott peeked down at her, the corners of his mouth puckering as he tried to fight a smile. Cassandra was staring with fierce determination at the night sky, with ranging colours from black to some purples and pinks it was like she could stare into outer space. A smile crept onto her face as her eyes flickered from star to star. She was so beautiful... What was he thinking, he loved Jean, didn't he?

"Do you ever think about what your life would be like without your powers?" Cassandra asked him out of the blue, "You know, to be normal." She added. "I actually lived most of my life without my powers." Scott told the girl who didn't break eye contact with the night sky. "Lucky... My powers came when I was twelve years old." Cassandra said as her lips formed into a slight frown. "How did you discover your powers?" Scott asked her softly not sure whether or not she wanted to talk about. "First I thought it was all a bad dream because it would only happen during the night-time. But then after a while the visions started coming during the day, in school, in class. I thought I was straight up losing my mind. And then I tried to control it but that only made it worse." Cassandra told him as she tried to swallow the lump in her throat. "What visions did you see?" He asked her shyly, he saw her struggling to fight back the stinging hot tears that were building up in her eyes. "At first I saw red liquid splattered all over a street, little did I know it was actually blood... Later on I could slowly see more of the vision, I saw a bike, it was completely crushed. Eventually I could see the whole picture coming together... I saw my dad, I saw his blood splattered over the streets, and his bike, it was ran over by a car. And his skull... His skull was bashed in, blood was everywhere." Cassandra said and her voice cracked the whole time, she tried not to cry.

I'm so close to 1K reads holy shit, thanks guys!

And yes, I know that Scott's laser blast isn't hot.

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