SEVEN|| Firefly

861 35 3

december, 14, 1983

Cassandra was woken up that morning by Jubilee's alarm clock going off. She didn't remember going to bed. She did however remember stargazing with Scott, or was it just a dream?

Xavier sent Cassandra a massage just as she woke up to come to his office before class, so she did.

The normally crowded hallway was empty, she could hear her heels click against the marble tiles on the floor as she walked towards the office.
She was about to open the door to the office but she froze as soon as she heard the sound of a woman grunting.
She turned around but there was no one there. She furrowed her eyebrows.
She heard the sound of two swords colliding. She had to double take to see what was going on but there was nothing.

The hallway Lit up in a redish colour. Cassandra gasped and reeled back in shock.
"NO!" She heard in a familiar voice, it was Alex. Only a split second after that she heard a noise that she couldn't recognize. The only thing that she could conpare it to was the sound of cutting into flesh.

She was pushed against the door of the office by some invisible force. It was only then that she realised what all of this was. She was reliving her prophecy. Alex just got stabbed by the lady in purple, she remembered it all too well.
A little red dot appeared right in front of her, she cocked her head to the side as she looked at it. She heard a thud and a red puddle of blood appeared.
Cassandra fliched as she was pushed back against the door.

More noises of people fighting against the lady were heard. Cassandra covered her ears with her hands in attempt to drown out the noise. It was so loud it sounded like guns being fired in her head.
A singe tear rolled down her cheek as she shut her eyes tightly.

The door behind her opened and Cassandra fell to the ground and dropped to her knees.
"Cassandra!?" A voice called out but she refused to move, her eyes closed, hands on her ears as she sat on the ground in tears. A hand was placed on her shoulder which made her open her eyes. Alex sat in front of her, squatted down so he could look at her. "Hey, it's okay, you're okay." Alex tried to calm her down as he removed her hands from her ears.
Cassandra was so relieved to see that Alex was okay, she wrapped her arms around his neck and held him in her embrace, she seeked some comfort. Alex seemed a little suprised by the sudden outburst of affection but didn't hesitate to hold the girl close to him. "It's alright, I got you." He said and ran his hands trough her hair, she was still shaking.
Cassandra could feel someone shooting her daggers. When she pulled back out of the hug she saw that Scott, Jubilee, Kurt, Jean, Peter and the professor were looking at her. Even Hank came out of his lab to see what was happening. Scott, for some reason, didn't look too pleased.
Scott was the first one to speak up "Are you okay?" He asked her as Alex helped her get up. Cassandra just nodded slowly.
"I was just sleepwalking." She said, her voice sounded shaky.
"Cass, you're not okay, let me walk you back to your room." Said Jean.
"I'm okay, really I'm fine." Cassandra lied as she flatted out the bottom of her dress.

"Very well then, please give her some space everyone, class starts in five minutes." Xavier said raising his voice slightly as he rolled himself away. But Jean didn't listen to him, instead she stepped closer whilst everyone started minding their own business. "I could see it too." Jean whispered after a short while of silence. "See what?" Cassandra pursed her lips together into a fine line after the words left her mouth. "Everything... Psylocke, Alex being killed, her trying to kill the proffesor. I saw it all." Jean whispered afraid that someone might overhear their conversation. "Hold up, Psylocke?" Cassandra asked Jean. "Yea, the mindreading woman dressed in purple, with lasers or something like that coming out of her hands." Jean explained. "A psychic with the name 'Psylocke'? What a cliché." Cassandra laughed and turned around ready to walk to her first class. "She's not just a psychic." Jean said and followed Cassandra who still had her back turned to Jean as she strutted through the halls of the X-mansion. "Sweetheart," Cassandra turned around to shoot Jean a dirty look, "does it look like I care?" Jean was taken aback by Cassandra's sudden harshness. Cassandra continued walking untill she came to a stop when she realised something, the professor never told her why he wanted to see her.

Someone else wanted to see her.

"So why did you do it?" Cassandra suddenly asked. "Do what?" Jean laughed nervously. "Why'd you call me here this morning? Why'd you let me relive all off that?" Cassandra narrowed her eyes at Jean.

This chapter is shitty, I'm sorry, I'll try to post some juicier stuff soon.

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