THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!!! I love each and every one of you reading this book right now. To be honest one of the reasons I made this book was to be more comfortable with showing my art to people.. I was never comfortable with myself or my drawing but, thank you for Every comment, every vote, every single second you chose to be reading this while you could've been doing something else. You have no idea how much I appreciate everything. This account is so special to me, and heh... Its a miracle I even found the time to write this. Please remember, I'm still taking requests so please, if you want me to anything, please let me know. I'd go to hell and back for you all to be happy.
Thank you so much
Bye! :D

RastgeleThis book contains drawings from 2016 to the current time It also contains personal updates and updates about other events with this account Highest Ranking: #533 under "dragons"