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This is Colten.

It was nighttime when I slowly walked out of the bar. The moon lightly shone on my brown hair. My brown eyes twinkle in the moonlight. I was deep in thought when I heard footsteps shuffling behind me. I turned my head slightly, and I realized someone was behind me. I made a random turn in hope of losing them, and with no luck, I began quickly running, my feet pounding on the ground. My breathing hitched. I looked behind me, and he was within arm's length. I made an attempt to run again, but he quickly coughed, grabbing me. Pulling me by my waist, close to his body. His rough, husky breath whispered in my ear, "Now, what's a girl like you doing at a time like this?"

I refused to answer him as I continued to try and break out of his iron-like grip. "Let me go," I whispered breathlessly.

I felt the vibration of his laugh on my back. "Now, why would I do that little one? You're mine."

''Wh-what n-n-no, your not let me go now," I said as I dug my fingernails into his forearms.

His calm composure was gone as he slammed my body against a nearby wall. I whimpered lightly. He responded roughly. "I'm not going to say this again, little one. You are testing my patience. I'm not afraid to put you in your place. You aren't leaving me; you are mine!!! Do I make myself clear?!!!"

I felt tears stream down my face as I responded with a nob.

He didn't seem pleased with this "answer with your words, dammit," he screamed.

"Yeah, I understand, I said shakily.

He smiled at me, brought his lips up to my check, and kissed me.

"Okay, let's go, "he said with a light smile, grabbing my hand in an iron-like grip.

A car stopped near me, and he opened the door, trying to pull me in.

I quickly came to the realization what was happening, and I ran away from him. However, he easily coughed me up and threw me over his shoulder. I pounded my fist against his back. It seemed to unfase him as he threw me, closed the door, and looked hard at me. I sank down at his glare. "Go, Andrew," the strange man called out.

After a while, his anger seemed to dial down, and he then sighed, running his hand through his brown hair.

He looked at me, and what he said next surprised me: "What's your name, little one?"

My name is Lilly."

He moved closer to my lips by my ear. "No need to be nervous, love. I won't hurt you, well, unless I have to. By the way, I know your name isn't Lilly; it's Hannah."

I felt a chill run down my back. How did he know my name?

"What's your name?" I asked above a whisper.

He smirked, "My name is Colten."

He waited a while before saying, "Get some sleep, babe, you are going to need it.".

After a few minutes, I laid my head down against the door of the car. I felt my eyelids become heavy as I fell asleep.

Love in Captivity: Chains of ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now