Chapter Eight

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Rin sighed as he walked through the empty street. He had just left the hospital where he got rejected by Haru. He wondered if he did something wrong to Haru. He remembered that he and Haru was getting on but then Haru suddenly pushed him away.

Rin snapped back to reality as a gush of cold wind blew in his direction. Rin pulled his jacket around him tighter to block out the cold. He looked up, dark clouds were looming, a sign that it was going to rain. Rin hurried to the train station, not wanting to get caught in the rain.

Just as he reached the station, it started to rain. Rin smirked as he scanned his pass and walked toward the platform, just in time as the train arrived.

After passing a few stations, Rin reached at his destination. He scanned his pass again and walked out of the station. The rain was now reduced to a small shower and Samezuka high is just around the corner. Rin pulled his jacket again and ran through the rain, only getting wet a little.

He signed in at the counter and made his way towards his room. He closed the door behind him, leaned again it and sighed. He then took off his clothes and threw them into the laundry basket. Now walking towards the bathroom, totally bare and showing off skin Rin looked at his body in the mirror, he had a fairly muscle toned body. Still wondering why Haru pushed him away, he stepped into the shower and turn on the water. Jets of luke warm water hit his skin. Rin stood underneath the water like fall on him. Was it that he wasn't skilled enough? Or was that Haru though that he couldn't satisfy him. Maybe it was that Haru was still freak out about doing this. Rin then realized that it couldn't be that Haru was still freaked out about the incident that he had. Haru was acting strange this morning.

Rin smiled to himself now knowing why Haru pushed him away, started to think of ways that he could help Haru through this and now finished with his shower, stepped out of the bathroom, dipping wet, a towel around his neck and another one around his waist.

He blew dry his hair and threw on his uniform, took his books and rushed to be on time for third period, leaving his phone behind in the room.

Haru now finished his appointment with the psychologist was in the garden at the back of the hospital. He has asked the nurse who was helping to push Haru around to leave him alone about an hour or so.

Haru took out his phone and try to call Rin but it kept going into voice mail. He wondered if Rin was mad that he pushed him away. It's just that Haru couldn't do that right now, not after what happened to him. The thought of someone putting his thing up his ass sent shivers down his spine.

Finally, Haru decided to text Rin to tell him that he finished his little visit with the psychologist. Hoping that Rin would reply him soon or would call him back.

Haru then sighed and thought back to his visit with the psychologist.

Haru was pushed into a vanilla-scented room with the song Goldberg Variations: Aria by J.S. Bach being played. Haru wondered what were the music and the funny smell in the room. Haru was about to ask the British dirty blond woman that looks like she was in her mid-20s why the piano music and the smell.

"It's Goldberg Variations: Aria by J.S. Bach and the room is vanilla-scented. I made arrangement when I heard about your case. The vanilla scent is to soothed comfort and the music to calm you down if you had a break down moment," the doctor answered Haru as if she read his mind. "Now take a sit or lie down," she instructed Haru and helped him up from the wheelchair and towards the couch to either sit or lie down.

"My name is Dr. Fusaki Aki and I'm from London but I was raised by my Japanese culture parents if you're wondering why a British is doing here working as a psychologist in Japan. I came here to work because of my husband's job. Now Nanase-san, Doctor Shiori told me that something was bothering you in your personal life, do you want to tell that first or you incident?" she asked politely.

Haru was hesitant at first but after a while and some pestering from the psychologist, Haru gave in and told her about his newly form relationship with Rin, their history and up to the incident.

Doctor Fusaki listened patiently with Haru and she doesn't seem to object to Haru's relationship with Rin and when Haru was done. She was taken aback with Haru's case because it is the first case that she had encounter that was so horrible and depressing.

The doctor thought long and hard about the therapy that she was going to give Haru and finally came up with a few solutions.

"Nanase-san I'm giving you this hand band to wear around your wrist so that whenever you have a break down moment, you can pull the band to help you snap you back to reality. To tell you that you are safe and no longer in that negative place," Fusaki said as she gave him a rubber hand band.

Haru took the band and placed it around his wrist. "So I just pull this when I freak out?"

"Yes. Another one of my solutions is that I want you to come back to talk to me so I can help you out. It's also good if you surround yourself with Matsuoka-kun, your friends and family. They will also help you through your recovery process. And last but not least is your relationship, I think you should tell Matsuoka-kun why you pushed him away and explain to him that you aren't ready for that kind of thing yet after what you have been through. Or you can just bring him here and the three of us can sort this out if you and he doesn't mind," she said to Haru with her hand placed on Haru's lap.

Haru nodded, "I think he would be fine with that or I will just drag him here."

After the long session with Fusaki-san, Haru and the doctor decided to talked to each other about what they like, their relationship and a lot of Rin's little angry problem.

"So you like to swim? I have a little girl who loves to swim as well. She's turning 11 soon."

"But I only swim Free. I don't swim any other styles. "

"And why is that?"


"Okay, well you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."


*knock* *knock* *knock*

Doctor Shiori walked into the room and had a little chat about Haru for a moment while 2 nurses help Haru onto the wheelchair to take him outside as Shiori thought it might help Haru.

Haru sighed as he looked up to sky, thinking that he might try to call Rin again. Hoping more than ever that Rin might pick up this time.

It was lunch time in Samezuka high and Rin just finished eating and was rushing back to his room. He realized during fifth period that he left his phone in the room.

He open the door and saw his phone vibrating, Haru was calling him but just when Rin was about to pick up the call, his phone sent Haru's call into voice mail. Rin banged the table in rage and scrambled to try and call Haru back.

He unlock the password on his phone only to see that Haru had called him 7 times and left him 9 messages and with the last call, it bought the total of missed calls to 8. Rin quick hit speed dial on Haru's number.

After a few rings, Haru picked up. "Hello? Haru?"

That was a long silence on the other end.

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