Chapter Twelve

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"Why? Why did you have to make it worst? I could have explained everything to Rin if you just given me time to," Haru looked questionly at the psychologist, at the same time; he was pulling rapidly at the rubber band around his wrist, making it turn a very painful red.

"You have to understand Nanase-san, he's a bad match for you. He will eventually hurt you in some way or other. Now eat your food, it's getting cold and its pass the time that you have to take your medication," Fusaki said, trying to recompose herself as she changed Haru's IV drip.

That was only silence coming from Haru as he ate his food robotically but his hands were shaking uncontrollably, the food was jerking out from his spoon and dropping from his chopsticks.

The psychologist observed Haru with a face full of concern for him, wondering if she had said too much. He's slipping if I don't do something about Nanase-san. Doctor Fusaki froze as she watched the rapid beeping escalate higher and higher before coming to her sense. She rushed to the push the button that was located on the head of the bed.

Suddenly nurses and Doctor Shiori burst into Haru's room, frantically rushing around, getting ready to get whatever orders from Doctor Shiori.

The doctor took one look at the monitor and started barking out orders, "Get me the stabilizer now."

The nurses scrambled around, one was holding a silver tray with a syringe and a vile that contained clear liquid.

Doctor Shiori took the syringe and pushed it through the opening of the vile, measured the amount before she turned to Haru, "Hold him down please."

Four nurses looked at the doctor, nodded and held down the shaking and jerking Haru.

Doctor Shiori took opened a small little plastic package, taking out an antibacterial wipe and wiped it on Haru's arm. Gingerly, she took the syringe and pricked Haru's skin, inserting it into Haru's deltoid muscle and injected the liquid into him.

She sighed now relieve that everything was taken care and then took one look at the psychologist which was slumped against the wall. 'The nurses must have pushed her while they were scrambling to calm down Nanase-kun,' then her attention was turned back to Haru.

He looked like he had calm down but his hands were still shaking but not as badly as before. Haru looked exhausted, he made eye contact with Doctor Shiori before passing out.

"Tch, that idiot...he doesn't know anything at all. Why the hell is he even siding with her when I am his lover?" Rin muttered under his breath, 'Wait....ex-lover. No. No. No. We're not done yet.' Rin thought, trying to push away thought of him and Haru being apart after what had been going on between them.

Rin couldn't stand the thought of it at all; it would be kill him if Haru would break up with him. It would drive him up the wall, crazy in fact. It would make him close his heart again like the time before he and his former team got back again but this time Rin would not let it be open up again.

Rin walked towards the station, the walk slowly turning into a run. By the time Rin got there, he was out of breath. He quickly scanned his pass and got onto the train that had just arrived. There were no seats available since it was the time when everyone got off work and rushed to return home to their waiting families.

He leaned the wall that was near the opening and closing doors and started staring out the window on the train, not focusing on anything at all, everything just seems a blur to him after what happened in the hospital. He wondered why he had said those words in the first place, "If you can't make up your mind on who to trust, me or her or to explain – or to tell me what is going on with you. I suggest that we are done," echoing though his now blank head over and over again.

Rin sighed, not noticing that the train had already stopped at his station. The doors were already beeping, telling people that the doors were going to close. Rin starred at the flashing red light above the door before realising that he was at his station.

He started to push his way, Rin struggled to get himself through crowd but somehow it feels like they had their feet firmly planted in the ground. People looked at Rin angrily, muttering how rude he was.

The doors started to close as Rin gave the last push and stumbled out the train, gaining his balance after a few flimsy, miscalculated steps. People in the station stared at Rin as he tried to regain his balance.

Rin started off towards Samezuka, running again, feeling the rush of adrenaline pumping in his blood, making him forget about everything that has happened today.

He slowed down to jog as he took the next corner, nearing Samezuka. He passed through the front gates and went to sign in at the counter.

Rin slowly walked towards his room that he shares with Nitori, hesitating in front of the door before turning the knob.

A happily lit up face greeted him as he close the door, "Senpai you're back! But why are you early? I thought you said that you were come back late?"

"Shut up Nitori," Rin growled to his roommate.

Sensing that Rin wasn't in a good mood, Nitori got down from the bunk bed, hoping that he could calm his senpai down but it only made Rin's mood worse than before.

"Nitori, get your ass back up there and don't bother me right now," Rin cautioned, knowing that he could explode any minute at Nitori for no apparent reason.

Rin stalked around the room before stripping down to change into his pyjamas.

Nitori watched Rin stripped down naked, gliding his eyes, staring straight at his senpai's muscle-toned body with admiration.

"Nitori...turn around," Rin hissed as he got into a dark forest green tank top and black pyjamas pants.

Nitori spun his head to the other direction as soon as the words came out from Rin's lips. "Senpai did something happen with Nanse-san? You're in a bad mood tonight."

Rin seem distracted, "Hmm...It's none of your business," he said as he pull down the tank top to his waist.

"B...But senpai!" wailed Nitori as he tried to convince Rin to open up and spill everything out.

"Drop it," Rin growled, about to snap at any given moment.

"Y...Yes!" Nitori replied almost immediately in an obedient tone.

"Good, now go to sleep."

"It's only 9!" the first year whined.

"I said go to sleep," Rin spat those words out like acid, his fingers on the switch.

"Yes!" Nitori said as he dived into the covers.

Rin flipped the switch, walked and got into his bed. He took out his phone, staring at the blank lock screen, wondering if he could explain why he exploded at Haru in the first place.

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