Chapter Four

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Rin rushed to push the button to call the nurse to Haru's room then he proceeded to fling the photos off the table.

The photos fall off the table like how leaves fall the tree branch in autumn and hit the ground.

"Geez, Matsuoka. You should have just given them to me and not throw them off the floor." Mikobashi said as he started to pick the photos up one by one.

Then the 2 nurses and Doctor Shiori rushed in along with Makoto, Rei and Nagisa.

"What's wrong with Haru-chan?" Nagisa asked worried.

"He is having an anxiety attack. His heart is beating too fast. Hand me the benzodiazepine." Doctor Shiori said as she stretched her hand out. One of the nurse quickly took the small bottle full of liquid and took the syringe, inserted the needle into the bottle and pulled the handle so that the liquid would go into the tube. She measured how much she needed and once she is done, she handed the syringe to Doctor Shiori. "Hold him down please."

Makoto, Rei and Nagisa nodded as they hold Haru down while Doctor Shiori injected the drug into Haru to calm him down. The heart monitor started to beep slowly indicating that Haru was calming down. Doctor Shiori then asked one of the nurses for another drug to fill the syringe as she handed the syringe back to the nurse. The nurse then took out another bottle, this time it was Driven to make Haru fall asleep again. She injected it into Haru and within a few minutes, Haru was asleep.

They all breathed in the sight of relief all except Rin who stood at the corner of the room watching helplessly. He couldn't do anything. Mikoshiba was standing next Rin, witnessing all that was happening around him. Rin turned his head and stared at his captain, his hair covering his eyes, thinking that he was helpless and couldn't do anything to help Haru. It was his fault that he left Haru alone in the locker room that day. If he didn't Haru wouldn't be in the position he is now. He needed to do something now. For the sick of Haru, the sick of revenge that they did something horrible to Haru.

"Captain, let me see the photos of the boys who you think beaten Haru up. Judging by Haru's reaction I say it is them." Rin said coldly.

Mikoshiba handed the photos to Rin. Rin took them and started going through them. Instantly, he recognized that the boys in the photo were the boys that he beaten up that day when they refused Rin to enter the locker room. Slowly all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place in Rin's head. They all made sense now, why didn't they let Rin into the locker room was because they are the ones who beaten and raped Haru. Rin felt anger boiling inside of him. Knowing that he could be kicked out of Haru's room again if he did anything stupid, Rin walked out of the room quietly with the photos in his hand. No one noticed that Rin was gone expect Mikoshiba who started to notice that something was very wrong about one of his stop swimmers after a few minutes. Realization quickly hit Mikoshiba as he realized that Rin might want revenge on what the boys did to Haru. By the time Mikoshiba rushed out of the room looking for Rin. Rin was gone. He was too late.

"How long would Haru-chan be asleep Shiori-sensaei? Ohh! Where's Rin-chan?" Nagisa asked.

"Ehh? Where's Rin?! I thought he was here a second ago." Makoto said as he looked around the room.

"Nanase-san would be  asleep for about 2 hours. The dose I gave him was quite small so he would be asleep long." Doctor Shiori replied to Nagisa's question. "Now if you excuse me, I have to tend to other patients as well." and with that, the doctor left the room leaving Makoto, Nagisa, Rei and a sleeping Haru to wondered where Rin disappeared off to.

Rin was outside of the hospital, staring at a tree. It reminded him of the Sakura Tree in middle school where he, Haru, Makoto and Nagisa attended. He clenched the photos in his hand as tears fell down his eyes. He couldn't hurt the people who hurt Haru because Haru would not approve of that and Rin knew that it was wrong. Rin thought back of when he and Haru were kissing. Haru's lips were cut but it was so soft to touch. He remembered that they both got hard after that one passionate kiss. Rin could still feel Haru's touch on his lips as they went for seconds. Rin wanted to do this again. He wanted to hold Haru in his arms.

* ring ring ring *

Rin's phone rang. Rin wiped his tears and calmed himself down before answering the phone. "Hello? Who's this?"

"O..Onii-chan?" came a female voice.

"Gou? What do you want?"

"You said you're going to be home by 5 to help make Haruka-sempai's dinner. Its our turn to make his dinner remember?"

"It's not even 5 yet. It's only..." Rin checked his watch, "4.40."

"but you would normally be back by then Onii-chan."

"Alright, I'm coming now." Rin said hanging the phone up.

Rin sighed as he left the hospital and walked towards the train station to see if he can catch the train before the 'rush' comes.

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