Chapter Two

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The silence was the worst part that Rin had to endure while waiting for Nanase Haruka to wake up. The only sound that broke the horrible silence in Haru's hospital room was the beating of the heart monitor that was connected to Haru. It was the only reassurance for Rin that Haru isn't dead after the beating he got.

It has been three days and nights since Rin found Haru all beaten up and naked lying on the floor of the locker room all bloody and unconscious. The swimming competition was cancelled when the officials found out about Haru. The police have intervened and started to investigate Haru's incident. An ambulance was called and brought in to bring Haru to the hospital to get him treated quickly. The police have informed Haru's parents but unfortunately they were out overseas and couldn't get back so they asked the Makoto's and Rin's parents and the neighbours to look after Haru.

The doctors said that 5 of Haru's ribs were broken, his right leg broken, his left arm twisted and that Haru loss a lot of blood to the point that the doctors have to give Haru 3 pints of blood immediately when he arrived at the hospital. Haru received another pint when he went underwent operation to fix up his broken bones. The doctors said that since they had Haru induced in a coma, it was normal that Haru would only wake up after a few days of his operation.

Every now and then a nurse would come and change Haru's Iv drip and give him an injection. The injection was a painkiller. They gave Haru painkillers so that when he wakes up, he wouldn't be in pain so much.

At the moment all Rin could only think of was Haru waking up. The bloody sight of Haru's lifeless body when he switched on the lights in the locker room was the worst memory that Rin have ever had in his entire life. Seeing that the one he loved was all beaten up like that made him sick.

Rin stared at Haru's sleepy face "He's so adorable when he's sleeping," Rin thought as he moved a strand of Haru's hair out of the way so he can see Haru's face better. Haru looked peaceful but his face show that he was still in some pain. Rin couldn't help resist kissing Haru on the lips while he was sleeping. Rin then held Haru's hand in his own and started giving little pecks on his knuckles. "Haru. Haru. Haru." Rin repeated over and over again.

"Haru. Haru. Haru." a voice call out.

"Where am I? Who is calling me?" Haru wondered as he looked around his surroundings. He was underwater and a familiar voice was calling out for him.

"Rin?" Haru finally recognizing the voice was Rin's voice, the voice of the person he liked for all these years. "Why are you calling me? What is this place?" Haru wondered as he tried to swim towards Rin's voice.

As Haru swam, getting closer to Rin's voice with every stroke, it got harder to swim. It was like it didn't want Haru to get to Rin but Haru kept going.


Doctor Shiori walked into the waiting room followed by a nurse. She was looking at her clipboard then she looked up and faced Makoto, Nagisa, Rai and Rin. Smiling softly a sweet smile of reassurance to them. "Nanase Haruka? Are you waiting for news for his condition?" she asked them.

"How is Haru?" Mokoto asked worried stricken.

"How the hell is Haru? Is he okay? Can we see him?" Rin asked all jumpy and worried.

"He will be fine. We just finish the operation. Nanase-san suffered from 5 broken ribs, a broken right leg, a twisted left arm and severe blood loss but overall he will be fine. We collected a semen sample from him and sent it to the police to process it. The police finished processing all the evidence from him when we bought him in. They said that they can get who did it after they get the results from the lab. you will be able to see him shortly when we bring him out from the ER," the doctor answered.

As the surgeons bought Haru out from the ER, Rin rushed towards them then followed by Makoto, Nagisa and Rai. They all look at Haru, he was sleeping and all covered up in bandages.

"He's still sleeping. You can all see him during visiting hours unless you're his family," the nurse said to them. "You will be able to see him tomorrow at 10am - 12am during visiting hours. Or at 5pm - 8pm."

"But..But." Makoto stammered.

"Cut the crap. I'm seeing and looking after Haru no matter what." Rin said angrily.

"Sir, please keep your voice them. This is a hospital." Doctor Shiori warned Rin.

Suddenly, Makoto's phone started to ring. Makoto answered it. "Seriously mum? Alright I will tell the doctor." Makoto said as he hung up the phone. "Haru's parents can't come back to see Haru but they requested your family, Rin and mine to look after Haru for them."

"Well if that's the case then you both can see him." Doctor Shiori said. She let them into a room with the number 457 on the door.

In the room, was Haru sleeping. He was connected to the heart monitor. The heart monitor beeped at a steady rhythm. Also connected to Haru was an IV drip. The liquid ever so slightly and slowly dripped down into the tube and into Haru.

"I think Rin-chan should stay and take care of Haru-chan." Nagisa suggested.

"W..What? Why me?" Rin blushed a light pink.

"Because Rin-chan likes Haru-chan right?" Nagisa smirked.

"I agree. Rin-san should stay with Haruka-sempai and look after him." Rei said as he adjusted his megane.

"Yah Rin should take care of Haru. I will call your school to tell them. We can look after Haru in shifts." Makoto approved of Nagisa's idea.

"F..Fine. I will do it." Rin said.

"Jaaa, we will leave you with Haru-chan then." Nagisa said pushing Rei out the door.

"Then, I will bring Haru's clothes and stuff later, is that okay with you Rin?" Makoto asked before leaving.

"Yeah sure." Rin said as he took a sit down on a chair next to Haru's bed.

Rin's phone started to vibrate. He was sent a message from Nitori. It says, "Matsuoka-sempai, I will be bringing your dinner and your homework to the hospital for you. Oh and Captain Mikoshiba is coming along."

"Tch, I'm not a kid and why does captain want to see Haru.?" Rin said as he started to text back, he text, "Alright. Do whatever you please."

Rin sighed as he put away his phone. He buried his face in his hands. He knew he was neglecting his studies and he's swimming practices to look after Haru, but he couldn't study, not now...not until Haru gets better besides Rin was leaving Haru all alone in the hospital any time soon.

Rin was too busy wondering why his swimming team captain is coming to the hospital thinking. "Does he want to see Haru or him?" to even noticed that Nanase Haruka has opened his eyes and was staring at Rin curiously.

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