Chapter One

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"Hey Haru! Guys!" cried a tall well-built teenage boy with brownish red hair with red eyes who was wearing a black jacket, from the shoulder to the wrist; they were white and printed with black triangles. At the back was printed the boy's name. It read 'Matsoka Rin' and underneath it he was wearing a black tank top with black pants. He was also carrying a red messenger bag with the word 'shark' printed on it.

"Uh.. Wait up Matsuoka-sempai!" said another teenage boy with grey hair with blue eyes and underneath his right eye is a mole. He was wearing the same jacket as his sempai but zipped up.

"Hey Rin-chan!" a boy with wavy blonde hair and dark pink eyes cried and ran towards Rin. He was a blue and white jacket with yellow shirt underneath.

"Nagisa! Slow down!" another boy said with dark blue hair with purple eyes. He was wearing a red-framed megane. He was also wearing the same attire as Nagisa.

"Hahaha! It's fine Rei-chan!" Nagisa said as he waited for the rest of his teammates to catch up.

Behind Nagisa and Rei were an olive green haired boy and a black hair boy, both also wearing the same attires.

"Hey Haru. Today we're racing Rin. Aren't you excited?" said the olive green haired boy.

Haru nodded then blushed a little.

"I thought so," smiled the olive green haired boy.

"Hurry up you guys. What are you two talking about? Makoto? Haru?" said Rin impatiently.

"Hey Rin," smiled Makoto. "Nothing much just that Haru's excited to swim with you."

"Huh? Didn't we swam together last week at our combined practice?" Rin said confused.

"We would definitely beat you just wait till you see my new and improve butterfly technique," said Rei as he adjusted his megane.

"Don't get so cocky Rei. Sameezuka's relay team will beat you. They have me in the relay this time." Rin smiled revealing his shark-like teeth. "Hey Haru. Let's have a good race today alright?"

"Y... Yeah," said Haru as he was taken back with Rin's smile.

"Where's Gou?" Rin asked.

"She's with Ama-chan Rin-chan. They're both waiting for Goro-chan." Nagisa answered.

"Oh. I see. C'mon I will take you to register your names. We're already done it. Our captain did it for us." Rin said as he turned his back on them and lead the way.

In the locker room. Haru, Makoto, Nagisa, Rei and Rin all got into their swimsuits. Rin, Haru, Nagisa and Rei were all wearing jammers expect Makoto who was wearing long swimming pants.

Nagisa signalled Makoto and Rei with his eyes. His eyes said "Let's leave Haru-chan and Rin-chan for awhile."

Makoto and Rei nodded. "Haru-chan! Rin-chan! Mako-chan, Rei-chan and me need to check up on something so we will meet you both at the pool okay?" Nagisa said as he shoved Makoto and Rei out the door.

"Tch. What are they up to?" Rin said shaking his head.


"Hey Haru, I want to tell you something." Rin said as he looked away from Haru's eyes. Suddenly Nitori burst into the room. "Matsuoka-sempai! Captain Mikoshiba is calling for you. He says he wants to speak to you about the relay."

"Tch. Nitori I will kill you later." Rin said as he shot Nitori a killing intend. "Haru, I will see you later, okay?" Rin smiled at Haru before he left.

"Matsuoka-sempai, why didn't you tell Nanase-san about your feeling when you two were alone?" Nitori asked Rin.

"I was about to you idiot when you interrupted!" Rin said as he grabbed Nitori's head.

"Ow! Ow! That hurts sempai! I'm sorry!" Nitori said desperately to Rin.

"Oh Matsuoka, I'm glad Nitori found you. I just want to tell you something. I want you to swim the way you did the last time when you swam the relay with Nanase-san and the others today." Mikoshiba said.

"Got it. I guess I will tell him later but I'm not done with you yet Ni..To..Ri!" Rin sighed.

"Hai sempai!" said a very scared Nitori.

Back at the locker room. Haru was getting ready to leave when suddenly a group of high schoolers wearing 3 different types of uniform burst in. Some of them were wearing the Samezuka jacket while others were wearing jackets that said Sano high and Shuka high at the back.

"Nanase Haruka isn't it? If it were for you and the Iwatobi swim club. Samezuka Academy, Sano High, Shuka High would still be at the top of leader board if you stupid swim club wasn't formed" said one of the boys who was wearing the Samezuka jacket. He clenched his fist signalling the other to attack Haru.

"Rin-chan! Have you seen Haru-chan?" The relay is about to start and Haru-chan has not turned up yet!" Nagisa said anxiously.

"What? I thought he already met up with you guys. I last saw Haru when I left the locker room when I got called from my captain." Rin said.

"Then where's Haru? Is he still back at the locker room?" Makoto said.

"I don't think Haruka-sempai would be late for this. Let's split up and look for him. Rin-san you look in the locker room. Makoto-sempai you stay here and see if Haruka-sempai gets here. Nagisa-kun and I will look outside. We have 15 minutes left. Let's go." Rei said.

"HARU-CHAN! WHERE ARE YOU?" Nagisa called out.

"HARUKA-SEMPAI! HARUKA-SEMPAI! HARUKA-SEMPAI!" Rei shouted. Everyone outside were staring at Rei and Nagisa wondering why they were shouting.

"Rei-chan any luck? HARU-CHAN!" Nagisa asked.

To Nagisa's dismay, Rei said "No, we have to keep searching. HARUKA-SEMPAI!"

Rin ran towards the locker room. He passed by some Samezuka students and other students from different schools. "Oh, Matsuoka-sempai. What are you doing? The relay is about to start soon. Let's head there now," one of the student said.

"I'm looking for my friend. Without him, I can't race my best today." Rin said. "I think he's in the locker room."

"T.. The l.. locker room? Why do you think he's there Matsuoka-sempai?" another student asked.

"Why? Because I last saw him there that's why. He's my precious friend. I don't know what to do without him. Now get out of my way." Rin said.

"We're afraid we can't do that Matsuoka-sempai!" one of the student said as he proceeded to punch Rin. Rin avoided the attack and landed a kick to the stomach on his attacker. The other students then started to attack Rin but Rin just beat them up with hesitation.

"The next time you try to attack me again, I will send you towards hell got it?" Rin said as he left the beaten up students behind and continue running to the locker room.

The locker room was dark and it seemed deserted. It gave Rin the chills and the feeling that something happened to Haru. The feeling got worse as Rin walked inside the locker room searching for the light switch. When he found the light switch, Rin stopped dead over his tracks when he saw Nanase Haruka all beaten up, covered in his over blood and unconscious.

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