Chapter Eleven

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Haru groaned as he woke up. He slowly open his eyes, letting them adjust to the amount of brightness in his hospital room. He blinked away the clouded vision and brought his hand up to his eyes and rubbed them.

Once his vision was fully adjusted, Haru scanned the room for Rin but he was not in the room. Haru then turned his head towards the door where a clock was placed on the top of the door; it was a little past 8. Haru took the food that Rin brought for him from the table besides him and placed the warm food on his lap. Haru didn't feel like using the table to eat his dinner today.

Images of what he and Rin just did flashed through his mind. Haru wondered when will they get to do it fully but at the same time, Haru was afraid that what he experienced during that incident was what he will be feeling if Rin were to go all the way. Haru knew that he has to do something about it, he knows that he doesn't want to involve Rin and make the situation more complicated than it is already.

He then opened the container; revealing grilled mackerel, rice, sweet omelette, and a salad with the dressing separated from it in a small, little container inside. The smell of the mackerel hit Haru's nose and he took a whiff of it and his stomach growled in response and he immediately dived in.

Halfway through his meal, there was a knock on the door. Haru wanted to call out to the knocker that the door was open and that he or she could enter but his mouth was stuffed with food and on top of that, he was still chewing it down but all that came out was a sort of gruff muffle. A sound that Haru found strange.

The knocker wasted no time after he or she had knocked, the door swung opened and a familiar male figure casually walked right into the room and gave Haru a little, soft smile before stopping to sit on the chair that had its back facing in the direction of Haru's bedside.

Haru tried to smile back at the person who walked in but a weird, creepy huge grin surfaced instead. The person let out a small laugh when he saw Haru's failed attempt. The mood around them lighten up a bit, there was a heavy tension in the air but now it is gone.

"Where did you go Rin?" Haru said as he finally gulped down the food.

Keeping his smile on his face, Rin said, "I needed to cool my head after....." and the smile disappear, it was replaced by a Tsundere-like face, "....what did."

Haru blushed a light shade of red when Rin spoke those words and in that moment, their eyes met. Rin's eyes were full of loving-concern while Haru's had the 'there's something bothering me' type of eyes.

Rin could tell what Haru was thinking, he questioned himself whether for him to ask Haru what was on his mind but without realising anything, Rin leaned in and pressed his lips to Haru's. That broke Haru's trance and before he knew it, he was kissing Rin back at full force. Their tongues wrapped around each other, mixing their saliva.

Rin's hands were on the nape of Haru's neck and on his waist while Haru had his arms around Rin's neck, pulling Rin closer to him, making the kiss deeper and more passionate.

In between breaths, Haru would look at Rin lovely, each time their lips and tongues met, a suffocating yet sweet and addicting feeling to it was being felt by the two swimmers.

Rin was the type that every time he kissed Haru and pulled away to catch his breath, he would sometimes tease Haru with nibbling the tip of his ear, putting marks on Haru's neck or pressing his tongue against the skin of Haru's neck, moving it back and forth, making Haru moaned softly or making him bit the bottom part of his lips.

Haru on the other hand, always let Rin take the lead since he's not really that familiar with all of this lovey-dovey stuff. He rather let Rin top him then to fail epicly when he and Rin get intimate.

"Rin....." was all Haru could manage before he was swept away by Rin again.

They both continue to give each other soft, gentle kisses in between their deep, passionate kisses when the door suddenly swung open, revealing Doctor Fusaki. It took the couple a good 10 seconds to notice the psychologist and pull away from each other.

Rin wiped off the saliva drooling down from the corner of his lips with his right hand thumb, cursing under his breath before looking annoyed at Doctor Fusaki.

Haru was still dazed by the kissing and wondered why Rin pulled away until he saw how annoyed his boyfriend looked at the familiar woman who just walked in. It took Haru a few moments to recognize his psychologist before blushing furiously red.

"Who the hell are you? And ever heard of the term knocking?" Rin said, his annoyed face was slowly turning to a glare.

"Hello Nanase-san, I came to check on you. I forgotten to ask some questions just now during our session," the psychologist said, ignoring Rin's question and his glare. "I bet this is the boy you were telling me about Nanase-san," she said gesturing to Rin.

"Yeah....Rin. His name is Matsuoka Rin. I thought I told you his name?" Haru said looking confused at Doctor Fusaki.

"Hey! Don't just ignore me. How dare you interrupt me and Haru?" Rin said as if he was about to punch her.

"Calm down. Studies have shown that if a person interrupts during a couple's intimate time, usually get embarrassed and annoyed, for example, like you are now. My name is Fusaki Aki and I'm the psychologist assigned to Nanase-san.

"Psychologist? Why do Haru need one? And how on earth did you get Haru to opened up to you? He usually don't do that."


"Why? You don't tell me your problems but you tell it to her?! What kind of boyfriend does that? What does she have that I don't? Is it because she's a woman? Or what?" Rin's voice came out shakily. Rin tried to make it come up angry but instead it came up unexpectedly shaky.

"No, Nanase-san keeps his problems from you because of who you are Matsuoka-san. It's because of your easily anger attitude that makes him not want to open up to you. He's afraid that you might hurt him one day."

"Rin," Haru tried to calm down Rin. "No it's's"

"Huh?! What the hell does that mean Haru? Huh Haru? Try to explain it to me because I don't get."

"Rin...I-I-I'm sorry. It's just that I..." Haru stop, not wanting to finish his sentence.

"You what? Answer me Haru. You what?" Rin said, his voice clearly shaking but no like before. Before, it was an sure of shakiness but now, it's shaking from pure anger and frustration.

Just right then, two male nurse burst into Haru's room with Doctor Shiori behind them. They immediately seized Rin. Rin tried to fight back. He punched one of the guys, giving him a bloody nose.

"Matsuoka-kun I already warned you earlier that if you cause another commotion, I will not hesitate to drag and kick you out," the doctor said as she gave the nurse a hand order to seized Rin again but Rin was too quick, he picked up his bag and slang it around his shoulder, ducking under the nurses before smoothly walking out of the door. Before leaving, he called out to Haru, "If you can't make up your mind on who to trust, me or her or to explain – or to tell me what is going on with you. I suggest that we are done.

And just like that, Rin left. Haru looked around his room; Doctor Fusaki was in utter disbelief about what just had happen while one of the nurses was standing at the side of the bloodied nose nurse. Doctor Shiori was looking at his nose, tilting his head to a 90 degree and to take a better look at it before deciding that it was broken and it require immediate treatment, escort him outside. The other nurse followed suit.


Oh look at that a cliffhanger. But hey.... look on the bright side. It's a double update...!

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