Chapter 4

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Guess who's back..Back again
Hey ma peeps I'm baaaaaaccckk
with a new chapter enjoy!

"Stop tailing me, Mikasa."

That must have been the hundredth time today he had said that to her. The horses were whinnying and rustling behind her, and for a moment, she didn't think the tree would restrain them. Her hands smoothed over the rough reins and around the cracked branch they were tied to. The knot wasn't completely secure, but it was firm enough to hold two colts. Unless the animals had a deep, raging vendetta with trees, she wasn't sure any amount of struggling would free them.

Eren had begged the captain to let him explore, but Levi wouldn't let him go without an escort. She had volunteered, and of course, he wasn't okay with it. It didn't matter, she wasn't going to let him go alone anyway. They had galloped for only a few minutes, so she guessed that they weren't too far from base, and the forest they were in was already cleared for titans. Even so, there wasn't any harm in being careful.

Mikasa felt her shirt catch onto a twig. She quickly detached herself from the mess, and continued trekking though the dense vegetation. The forest was way too cramped for her liking. There were too many trees, loud sounds, and a host of animals that were determined to make her trip. It could have been a bigger problem to her than it was, but she was just glad that there weren't any titans.

She decided to check if Eren had klutzed himself into a bad situation. Not that he was clumsy or anything, but his personality did make him 'accident-prone'. Her eyes scanned the vicinity, expecting to find a familiar cloud of auburn hair glowing under the harsh sun. But she could see nothing – nothing but green, more green, and even more fucking green.

"Eren!" She called. The wind seemed to whip her voice into the air.

She called again, but there was no response. Her boots broke into a sprint as they struggled to maneuver around the random rocks and twigs that were missioned to snap her ankle. He had to be here somewhere. There was no way she could have lost him, she was right behind him just seconds ago. The wind picked her air up as she zipped through the vegetation. The birds seemed to be laughing at her as the heat was beating her down. There was no time to panic. This was not a time to panic.

And then, her eyes caught onto something. It was to her right, glinting in the sunlight and piercing her vision. Mikasa jerked her head towards to object, and she quickly registered what it was. It was Eren's 3D maneuver gear, and his brown, leather half-jacket.

Now, she was panicking.

Someone must have taken him. That was the only explanation, and they must have ditched his gear so he couldn't escape. She quickly shifted her body and sprinted towards the direction of the jacket.

Maybe she should use her gear, it would be faster.

No, that would give away her position. She had to keep on the trail. Mikasa bolted past the leather jacket and the maneuver gear. Her eyes ogled every tree next to every bush bearing every berry. Then, her ears registered something and she stopped in her tracks. It was a loud, throaty sound. It took her some time to figure it out – it was laughing. Someone was laughing.

Eren was laughing.

Now, she was really stumped. Her boots zipped towards the direction of her boyfriend's voice and her ears began to pick up something else. It was a deep, resonant rumbling. Her memories flashed back to when she lived in the forest, before her parents died. She had heard the same sound before. It was powerful yet fluid. It didn't come back to her until she ran into a clearing and processed what she was seeing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2017 ⏰

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