Hayley X Anders Chapter 3

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"Let's find out who's dorm Hayley changed to." Kylene said. Upon hearing that,Valerie dashed into Typo and approached Hayley and Anders."Um...Hey guys!" Valerie greeted them casually." Hayley, who's dorm are you changed to?""MINE. My dorm." Anders interrupted coldly "Is that true Hayley?" Valerie asked." Yeah...yes..."." Oh ok..." Valerie ran out of the shop to tell her friends the news." WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!??" Jessy exclaimed." What's wrong with her! Anders is a BOY!!!" Kylene said "Dunno... I think Hayley likes Anders.""LIKES!!L.O.V.E.S!!!HAYLEY LOVES ANDERS HONG!!!" Kylene screamed . Everyone turned to look at Kylene . "Woahh...chill man.." Valerie said

Hayley stormed up to them and said angrily "Huh?! So what if I like him or love him!? What's your problem?!" The girls were speechless,everyone in the mall was staring at them and Jessy heard one of them said " Wah so young have already..."

"Let's go,don't argue with all this idiots!" Anders grabbed Hayley's hand and they both walked away. The four girls then left in fustration .

~Time skip~(Saturday school meeting)

"One more time,I'm gonna separate both of you!" Miss Peh shouted . Their cheeks when as red as tomato. Everyone in the class started giggling. During the class, Anders put his arm around Hayley . Hayley pretend she did not know but she was over the moon!!! The(#) V,K,M,J started to whisper "WTF"

When the the teacher left the teacher the classroom ,some men in black suitcase in the class(with glasses). One of them unrolled a carpet in the middle of the classroom and everybody started to say "WTF". While Anders held Hayley hand and smiled as they walked down with the men throwing flower petals at them

and another man took out a cake with a heart on it(A/N:heart is raspberry sorbet flavor) with four rings surrounding the heart

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and another man took out a cake with a heart on it(A/N:heart is raspberry sorbet flavor) with four rings surrounding the heart." The four rings...one to represent us being happy,another to represent long relationship. The last two...one for you one for me. Will you be my girlfriend?" Anders asked"YES!!!" Hayley answered. The four girls stared in disbelief. The class gasped and stared laughing. Anders and Hayley move their heads closer to one another...

"Don't tell me they are going to k...ki...kiss?!" Jessy whispered and covered her eyes. "Omo! My innocent eyes!"

"WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU GUYS DOING??!!" A voice boomed across the class. IT WAS THE TEACHER!!

"HOLYSHIT" Anders thought . The teacher then saw the cake , red carpet and the men." Hayley and Anders come out NOW!!!" The teacher shouted sternly.

~When they are outside ~

"Who threw this party?"the teacher asked " I did."Anders said." What about the kiss?"the teacher asked." We didn't kiss!" Anders protested " You guys would have kissed if I didn't stop you! Kissing is not allowed and you can't throw a party without permission. I will inform your parents and the two of you will have three hours of detention. Now go back to class."

A/N: Bello!
Hope u guys r enjoying the story so far
What will happen next?????

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