Hayley X Anders Chapter 8

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"K can." Jessy said in a monotone voice."Let me get Anders first,the-" Hayley started. "Aha! I knew something fishy was going on." Kylene shrieked,causing everyone to place their hands on top of their hearts."What the hell..." Valerie mumbled."No more going to his dorm!" Melissa mumble-shouted."Then I'll text him."Hayley said,grabbing her phone."NEVERR!!" Kylene said,taking Hayley's phone and deleting Anders'number."It's okay...I memorised his number." Hayley said,snatching her phone back."What!! You memorised his number but you didn't memorise mine! you traitor!!!" Valerie said over-dramatically."So? Can we please go to hall?" Hayley changed the subject."Sure..."Jessy said sarcastically. Kylene gave Hayley a disapproving look before running away screaming"EMILIAAAAA!!!"

(End of no one's POV)

Hayley's POV

Whew...that was a close call. I still can't believe the guy I like is friends with my enemy. It's so dramatic!!! "Hayley!" I heard Jessy called. Running up to them,I pleaded in my mind for them to just go to the hall. Luckily, they did not question anything and we just walked peacefully to the hall in silence...okay...maybe NOT silent cause Kylene and Valerie are chasing each other,screaming and goofing around. Pulling out her phone, Jessy called Emilia and Jia Qian who had just finished Science remedial. Speaking for awhile, Jessy finally hang up and said,"Emilia and JQ will join us in the hall as they are still in the main buldi-" "WHEEEE!!!" " Shut up Kylene. Thy said to go to the hall first." " K" Melissa replied."Let's go!!!" Kylene screamed obviously on a sugar high. "Aye. Kylene. Keep quiet." A random guard said. "Shut up dude!" Kylene screamed back. Poor guy... "So let's go?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. "Yea..." Jessy said. Together, the 5 of us walked to the hall.

End of Hayley's POV

No one's POV

The girls quickly gathered at auditorium. Hayley looked around the auditorium in search of Anders. She saw Anders with Anji looking at the photos of students. She clenched her fists while keeping her cool. Meanwhile,Kylene,Jessy,Valerie,Melissa were praising each other.

"Wow! Best Athletic! Good job!"

"Musically-inclined! Talented!"

"Preetiest girls, obviously!"


Miss Peh came up to the girls and told them to sit down. "Kay, I have some good news to share with you!" Everyone in the auditorium cheered while Kylene and Valerie were still screaming... "So...the school decided to renovate the dorms and you ll will be staying in a 5-star camp ground."What does that mean!?" Kylene screamed."Is it a hotel or a camp ground?" Valen added."Hurr...It means on Mon to Fri we will be camping on a camp ground and on Sat and Sun, we will be at a 5-star chalet at the beach." "Wooo! Hell yeah!" All the students cheered. "LANGUAGE!!!" Ms Peh yelled in the microphone. All the students quietened." What about the other non-dormitory students? Are they also coming or are they continuing school!" Kesler asked. "Continuing." Ms Peh glanced at her phone before answering. "WOOO!!!" Everybody cheered again."BUT! This is also going to be an assessment. If you pass, you get to stay in the dorm. If you fail, then, BYE!" Everybody laughed."You can fail anytime so be prepared."Ms Peh said."K..." Everybody said. Suddenly, a bell chimed."Dinner time. Go to the canteen."Ms Peh said before switching off the microphone and tossing it suavely to the side. Running to Ms Peh, Melissa questioned,"When is this trip?" "Tomorrow.Monday." "What!" Melissa said,shocked."I'll send a announcement during dinner." Ms Peh siad, walking out of the auditorium."Let's go! I'm hungry!" Kylene dragged everybody out of the auditorium. 

A/N: Hello!! Hope you enjoy your story><

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