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''Louis, do I look good?'' You asked, your eyes fixed on your dress as you tried to straighten it more. You looked up once you realized Louis hasn't said a word. His blue eyes were wide and small smirk was on his pink lips. ''Holy shit, Y/N. We're just going to my parents for a casual dinner.'' You giggle and he motions for you to come over and sit in his lap. ''Is it too much?'' You ask. He laughs and licks his lips. ''It's beautiful but, I don't thinks it's gonna last.'' He said, as his voice got noticeably low. ''I just want to rip it off of you'' he added. Heat spread through your cheeks as you stood up from his lap, ''I think that's my cue to go change into something else, less tantalizing.''

story of my life - imagines one directionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu