Chapter 26

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The door swung open and a man, towering above him, kicked him in the jaw. Blood spurted upwards as if he were a fountainhead atop a statue. He rolled over onto his back to recover. The figure kicked him in the side and pulled him into the tower.

"Hey you...I don't know how you made it this far but I'm going to find some way to squeeze an answer outta you!"

Abraham recognized the voice but it was of little importance. Israel pounded on him with his foot. He continually kicked him in the ribs. He tried to speak but his face was too swollen and his chest couldn't push out the air to form the words.

Israel grabbed Abraham by the chest and forced him up against the wall. "It's sick freaks like you that took my best friend away from me..."

Abraham gasped for air. Tears flowed down his check and intertwined with the streams of blood coming from his nose, mouth, and wounds on his cheeks.

"...I wish you could know how that feels..." Israel's cheeks were blood red and his eyes had the focus of a laser beam. "...Do you know what it's like to lose everything?"

Abraham felt a slight reprieve in his throat as was able to slip out a few sounds. "Yes...Isra..."

Israel's face went from that of a hardcore militant to a surprised toddler watching his favorite toy fall off a balcony.

"What did you say?"


Israel dropped Abraham. He was mentally absent, but Abraham didn't mind. The torture had stopped. Now only the pain lingered.

"What..." Israel stuttered. "...what are you doing here?"

Abraham raised his hands towards Israel. "Something...someone...saved me. I don't know who nor how..."

Israel stared at Abraham in sheer horror. His forehead creased and a line etched between his brows. "I could have killed you. I nearly did."

"Does that matter? You thought I was one of them."

"What are you trying to do?"

"It was O'Neil...he trained those men...our rewrite the code in his favor. We have to change it back."

Israel turned away from Abraham. "What would have happened if I really did kill you? What if I finished what I started?"

Abraham spoke with gentleness and warmth. "There are some sins that can't be forgiven...and others that simply must be."


The battle died down as quickly as it began. When Abraham changed the code, the enemy soldier's pouring in from the welcome center ceased to be produced. In their place were new citizens, confused and frightened by a war they never signed up for nor fully understood.

The control tower was in ruins. While standing, the structure was damaged. Portions of the walls either had missing bricks or was charred beyond recognition.

Abraham breathed in and closed his eyes. He felt the air pour into his lungs. He felt his chest expand and eventually collapse as his underlying heartbeat soothed him. He was alive, and there was nothing to convince him of any other reality. This was real life. This was his world. Planet Earth was the true alternate reality. A failed world full of despair, death, and failure.

The smell of burnt wood was everywhere yet Abraham loved it the same as the smell of flowers. It was the smell of victory. The glorious scent of triumph over O'Neil. Not even the smell of rotting flesh could ruin the thrill of the win.

Yet the startling reality of what had happened pulled Abraham out of the gaze of victory. Out in the city there was despair. Those who survived huddled with each other for comfort. In the large park behind the command tower stood men and women consoling each other with hugs and tears freely exchanged.

Inside Abraham laid a complex web of emotions, with no dominant feeling taking control. He was proud, yes, but weeped in his heart for the suffering before him. There his people were tormented and killed. Men were missing there legs and women were left to fend for themselves with a missing hand. It was a war that left scars both emotional and physical across everyone it touched. 

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