Chapter 9

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Austin's POV

I woke up next to Sasha. Damn I'm so lucky, she's so beautiful. She woke up right after I woke up. I kissed her on the neck which caused her to laugh. "Oh you're up." I said smirking. "I was just going to the gym, you want to come with?" She nodded as she grabbed her gym clothes. Then I got a call from a unknown phone number. "Hello?" "Hey, Austin?" "AJ! What's going on?" "Where are you guys going next?" "Well we're in Indiana now, and will be for a couple of days, why?" "Is it ok if I come travel with you for a while?" "Of course. Did something happen with Punk?" "Yeah. I just don't want to be in the house for a while." "Alright. I have a couple of days off so I will come pick you up." "Alright. Just don't try to start something with Punk, I don't want a repeat of what happened before you left." "I'm coming to pick you up and nothing else. I won't even look at Punk." "Ok sounds good." "Alright AJ, I will see you tonight probably. Just try to stay away from Punk." "Ok, see you then." "Ok bye." "Bye." She said as we both hung up. Sasha came out in her gym clothes. "Who was that?" "Uh, it was AJ." "Oh. What did she want?" "I'm going to have to go pick her up in Chicago. Something happened with Punk and she does not want to be there now. It probably would not hurt to have you go with me just so I don't kick Punk's ass." She nodded. "We have a little bit of time before we need to do that, so let's go to the gym." She nodded and we went out. 

"Man, I really kicked my own ass." I said panting. All I did was lift weights but I feel like I fucked up every bone in my body. "Yeah, I can see that." Sasha said laughing. I drank a whole water bottle at once and then Sasha and I went back to the room and changed into some street clothes before we went to the car for a eight hour drive to go pick up AJ.

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